Chapter 84: Forgotten Memories.

There were noises down the last floor, we maids were trying to get some nap when suddenly the noise hit us. We looked at each other and scooted out of the room and into the hallway.

Now, we were standing behind the pillar and there was a crowd gathered. I couldn't get a better view but I knew something was happening.

"It's Naomi...it's Noami." Someone shouted. It can't be my Noami. She isn't supposed to be in this territory. Well should I say Noami is human and humans had no scent. The fact that there were plenty of humans walking through that gate made her less suspicious. I am also human, I could also be perceived through the power in me but I could hide my scent and no one would find me out. Not even their master nor the dark witch.

Back to Naomi's foolishness, does she think she can walk out alive?. They hate her because she killed one of their own coupled with being a white witch's chief warrior.

"You're not supposed to be here, Naomi." Aaron shouted darkly. I became afraid of what might happen to Naomi. "I can be wherever i want to be, now where's she?."

She must be talking about me. Why would she come to look for me like this?, in broad daylight, is she going gaga?.

"Who's she?." A question was thrown at her from the stairs, Wendy was walking down with a gun pointed towards her, the crowd saw this and moved away from the scene. Where the fuck is Stefan?. I haven't seen or smelt him around for a long time now.

This time, I could see Noami, in her usual fearless stance. Her hands were resting at her hips and she was smiling at Wendy.

"You think you can leave here untouched." Wendy said in between gritted teeth. She was probably very angry at Noami right now.

"I've been looking for a way to unite you with your dead mate." Noami scowled. The crowd gasped and Wendy blink back her raging red eyes infuriated lay and just when she was about to attack, her sister sent her flying to the wall and pinned her down on the cold floor. "Get a grip on yourself…" Cali shouted strongly.

"Here's the thing, give me her and I go without harming anyone."

Noami can't be serious, threatening people in their own territory.

"What's the chaos all about?."

I heard that voice, the voice that I've longed to hear and the excitement it made me feel always listening to him. He already disappeared through the upper floor, down the stairs.

"Noami.." He sounded surprised.

"I'm here for her. You know what I'm talking about." Stefan shook his head and looked at Aaron. Aaron gave everyone a sign to leave and all began going out through the door.

Grace tucked me from behind, "Trust me, you don't wanna be here." I looked at her and smiled, "I'll be fine." She looked at me for a while, then turned and left. It was me, and the rest.

*Come out, Nellie.* He mind linked. I nodded and walked out so everyone could see me.

Noami's eyes lit up when she saw me.

She turned to the others, "Give us some moments."

If I said I understood what was happening I'd be a trained liar. Noami is acting strange, she comes in here, makes a scene and demands to see me.

Immediately the door closed behind us, Noami gave me a warm hug. "I've missed you." She mumbled stroking my hair.

"What's going on, Noami?. Why are you acting weird?." I asked her.

She pulled me out of the hug.


"Stop the act now, we're alone." I muttered. She's acting really cranky right now.

"No. I mean your real name is Abigail, you're my lost Abbey." The look of excitement was getting me more confused.

I shook my head at her, "Sure you are alright?."

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Then why are you acting nuts?." I whispered so that no one could hear us, though I trust Stefan wouldn't want anyone to eavesdrop on our conversation.

She tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I want to take you back."

"Who do you mean?. I'm going nowhere with you." I pushed her away from the door and tried to open it, she stopped me with a stern look.

"You think it's easy?."

I swear this girl is toying with me right now.

"To see our parents die like that, to live for so long with the thought that you're dead?. Do you know how I lived my life in guilt thinking I couldn't protect you?." She yelled at me.

"I know how you feel Noami, but I am not your dead Abby. I happened to loose some part of my memory doesn't mean I am Abby. Please stop exaggerating things. I. Am. Not. Your. Abby." I stated factly. I was breathing heavily.

There was silence..

"How did you even come up with this...nonsense..?" I questioned..

"Do you dream often?." She asked back, now calmly. My lips stuck together when she asked me this question. I moved out of the door and stood a few steps away from her.

"Tell me your dreams."

"I don't have dreams anymore." I responded. "I could help you remember, don't you think so?." My back was resting at the closet. I didn't reply her immediately.

"We were such a happy family, you, me, mom. Dad was an asshole. He hits our mom at any slightest opportunity. He never stays home and then that fateful night, he.."

I started to feel headaches, "No.stop."

My mind had taken much in a few minutes and it was beginning to make me sick. I stood like someone who's being hypnotised, all I could see was her lips moving but couldn't hear a thing.

I didn't think she noticed though I found myself holding onto the closet door handle for support. I was seeing double, feeling dizzy and choking up. I couldn't breathe well, at intervals I would push out the hands trying to help me up.

His scent hit my nostrils and I knew he was near, he was the only one I allowed to touch me, he carried me up and started rushing out of the room. With the feeling of waves sending through me, I knew he was running...suddenly I decided to shut my eyes and finally gave myself to darkness.