
[ System detects high level of internal injury to body *DING* New spell learned: Demiurge Healing. You have obtained the skill Demiurge Healing. An advanced type of healing magic, it is on stage one. Would you like to activate Demiurge healing? ]

Ren woke back into reality after hearing that. The pain kicked in. He saw guards walking away from him in the distance, laughing. Before he could do anything he passed out.

After a little bit of time, Ren woke up again. This time he felt no pain. [ Healing complete, host is now healed from kidney puncture, large intestine cut, broken rib, and cancer... ]

"What?! Cancer!? I can't believe I had fucking cancer, well anyways, thank you system." [ Of course, it is my job to make you the ruler of the universe, this is a trivial task ]

Ren then got up and checked around. He thought about his ability. "Demiurge Healing huh? I can't believe I have such an advanced healing technique." Then he remembered why he was in that situation in the first place. He had gone to the outer town to look at the market place and see the stone buildings and roads when some guards saw him lurking around.

They chased him all the way into the forest before kicking him repeatedly. They left expecting Ren to die of internal bleeding, laughing. The Ren that lived before in Gaia wanted revenge. It was not just a word to him.

For him, revenge was justice. Forgiveness was not justice but injustice. He thought that to get someone back for what they did was fair. It was how to world should be...

The Ren's from both worlds had combined into one. They were determined to take revenge on the world. Before that Ren needed to get stronger. He dusted himself off while getting up and started walking towards the slums.

He saw his house in the distance, a small box made of metal sheets that were already starting to rust. As soon as he got home he saw his mother with Korya and ran up to her and hugged her. Even though they were not blood related, they were still bonded by something greater than blood, family.

Ren couldn't help but simply stand there and cry. He had never gotten hugged before. Especially not from his mother. Tears just endlessly trickled down his face. Staring at the wall while his mother asked him several questions.

He left loved. He felt home, for the first time. His father arrived home after looking for him for hours. "Im sorry Carla, I couldn't find him" He almost broke down while saying. He wiped his sweat and saw Ren in Carla's embrace. She was also crying. He hugged them all three of them as they shared a moment of silence where they cried about everything that had happened to them since the beginning.

Although Ren was the curse that led them to live such a horrible life, they still loved him with their whole heart.

After that moment Ren had to explain what happened. He of course lied. "I was near the outer town when some guards approached me and tried to capture me. I ran as much as I could into the forest until they caught me and beat me up." His mother almost broke down again after hearing this. There was no way for him to tell them about his system yet. He couldn't protect them if they knew. Not yet anyway.

She stopped herself from crying and started to check Ren's body for any injuries. Ren's father was furious. "I would have sentenced those bastards to execution if I was still the royal knight squad captain." He said the last part with a low tone. He stopped walking around and checked Ren for any internal injuries. "Wow, he got really lucky" He said, "There are no internal injuries thankfully."

Ren was overjoyed that he had this system, he also remembered that his sister, Korya, was very ill ever since birth and needed treatment but they couldn't bring her to any doctor or hospitable due to their financial situation.

Korya's illness also made her immune system very weak, meaning she would get even the weakest of illnesses and sicknesses. Due to this she could never go outside for lengthy amounts of time.

He thought that his new skill, Demiurge healing could heal her. If it was able to heal even cancer, one of the worst diseases on earth, it should be able to heal his sister. He wasn't 100% sure so he asked USS first.

"USS, will my new skill Demiurge healing be able to heal Korya of her illness?"

[ Negative, Demiurge Healing only applies to host ]

Ren's face went pale. He was devastated after hearing this. He loved his sister very much and always felt bad for her because she couldn't do anything except for lay in bed all day due to her condition. He had always wanted to cure her so that she could finally experience what playing outside was like.

After this, Carla applied some herb to Ren's body. It had no medicinal effect but that was the only thing they had. After awhile they all went to bed.


[ *DING* Creation of mana core almost complete, I suggest host goes somewhere that is not his residence or you might regret it. ]

Ren woke up surprised. "Tone the sound down when i'm sleeping!" he said to USS. No one heard him because he and USS could talk using mind communication. "Why am I supposed to get out of my house?" Ren was confused as it was the middle of the night.

[ *DING* Mana core completion rate 97% ]

Ren heard this and immediately started to get up and leave his house, he didn't know what would happen if the completion rate got to 100% but he didn't want to question it. [ *DING* Mana core completion rate 99%]

"Your just gonna skip the 97!?" Ren thought while running outside. As soon as Ren was outside he ran into an abandoned shack close by. He didn't know what to do so this was what came to his mind first.

[ *DING* Mana core has been completed. Commencing Cleanse ]

As soon as Ren heard this his body went limp, his vision started to get blurry and his eyes closed. When he woke up the sun was starting to rise. The first thing he noticed was the horrendous smell. As soon as he took a whiff he vomited all over himself and the floor.

After slightly opening his watery eyes, he realized that the floor was black, and so were the walls. They were covered in some type of black sludge that was super sticky. His clothes were also fully stained in the stuff.

He immediately picked himself up and started running to a river near the slums.

He jumped in as soon as he got there. It was pleasantly refreshing. He had never ran so fast before. His vision underwater was completely clear like he was wearing goggles.

He looked around and saw fish from several meters away clear as day. His senses had increased immensely. [ *DING* Cleanse complete, host is now purified from all bad essences from his body. ] The "DING" always scared Ren because it was so loud inside his head.

"What is this, Why is my vision so clear, and what was that black muck?" [ That was the impurities in your body. They have now exited you and your 5 senses have gone up dramatically. ]

"Impurities? So that's why I could run a lot faster and why I vomited the moment I smelled that stuff. By the way, USS, what should I call you, USS is awkward to say, and it's also too impractical."

[ You may call me whatever you like ] "So that means I can name you??" Said Ren excitedly. [ No-] before USS could finish, Ren interrupted. "Well since I have the honor, I will take my time choosing the name... Your name will be Crona, although you have a girly voice, I think Crona fits you very well!" [ I- that is fine I suppose but I never said you can name me-] Crona was cut off again.

"Crona, look over there! What is that glowing at the bottom of the river there?" [ Scanning... That seems to be a weak storage ring able to store about 1000 square feet of space ] "Weak?? That is known as the highest tier storage item in the outer town! What a rare artifact, it's my lucky day!"

[ There is no need to get such trash when you have me. My storage space is infinity, I call it the Infinite Void ] "That would have been useful if you have told me beforehand you stupid system! But that's amazing! Now what should we do with this ring here?"

[ I recommended selling it to me for a full reset ] "Can't you just give me that for free?" [ No, Although I could, it would be more effective for you to not be spoiled by my powers, and for you yourself to overcome things that block your path ] "Jeez okay, sure i'll sell it to you."

[ *DING* Item "God Tier Storage Ring" sold, Full Reset received ] After getting a full reset, Ren walked home. On his way he realised that he could have sold that storage ring in the market for a hefty price. He was a bit disappointed but he didn't know the use of the full reset he bought yet so he stopped thinking about it.

"Even if I did try to sell it, the guards wouldn't let me anywhere near the shopping area." He thought.

When he arrived home his parents had already left to do chores around the slums. Ren finally had some time to relax. [ *DING* ] "AH! GOD WHAT NOW." [ Perfect time to give magic information to host. I will now put information about the basics of magic into your brain, do you except? ]
