Intense Training

[ Magic spell heard, would host like to copy spell "Zorion Séverin Vyn" ? ]

"What?!" Ren was confused, could he actually mimic spells just by listening to them?


[ *DING* skill learned: Ultimate Flight unlocked 5 % Current skills: Ultimate Flight unlocked 5%, Ultimate Heal unlocked 10%. ] "Ultimate Heal? When did I unlock that?" [ When host was asleep I heard the spell being said by Merlin and copied it. These skills will need training to level them up to 100% so you can use them to the fullest extent. ]

"Well shit, okay then!" Ren realised that he could potentially use the Ultimate Heal skill on Korya since it could actually be used on others. He wanted to try his skills out immediately. Ren waited until Merlin left his hut and went deeper into the jungle to practice his new skills.

[ Using your skills will up their percentage ] "Got it." After finding a quiet, empty place in the forest, Ren was ready to begin training. "I don't really want to say all that chanting crap, thats sounds cringe." Ren raised his hand forward and thought of the skill "Ultimate Heal" in his head. After half a second a green glow radiated around Ren's hand.

It was puny but it was there. Ren was in awe. Secondly he thought of the skill "Ultimate Flight" and he immediately felt lighter. His feet started to slowly float over the grass before Ren lost control of focus and fell back down.

He could go about 3 inches off the ground before losing control. [ *DING* new skill obtained: Copycat unlocked 0.001%. Would host like to use skill "Copycat" ? ] Ren was intrigued by the new skill name.


[ Initiating Copycat ] After Crona said this, a white figure appeared in front of Ren. It wasn't moving at all. The figure looked like a normal sized male. After a moment, it rushed towards Ren, Ren was caught off guard and knocked to the floor. "What is this Crona?!"

[ Stopping Copycat... Explaining first will be most efficient ] "Yeah ya think?" [ Copycat is a skill in which you can fight against figures that only you can see. The damage you get dealt by these figures will feel real but is not. This is a good training method. You can also recreate peoples fighting ability from real life into Copycat, hence the name. ]

"That would have been handy to know before I got beat down. Start the skill again!" [ Commencing Copycat ]

The white figure appeared again. After a couple of seconds it charged forward just like it did last time, but this time Ren knew what to expect and hit the figures head with his knee. The figure got erased and another one that looked the same appeared.

After a little bit the figure then did the same attack, Ren was ready for it. After it got pretty close Ren tried to knee it like he had done before, but this time it changed it's attack style and grabbed Ren's knee and pulling up, making Ren fall down on his head.

"Such an attack would have cracked my skull open if it was real, it seems that whenever I defeat this thing, it gets smarter and changes its moves. Amazing! I wonder why the skill is only 0.001% Unlocked though..." Ren was very happy with this skill, it would allow him to become insanely strong really quick and learn from his mistakes.

"Ill name you Remus, do not let me down!" Like this Ren trained for days, practicing all three of his new skills over and over again until Merlin came back on the 5th day.

"I see you have been training your physical abilities, that was some pretty impressive shadow fighting I saw ho ho." Ren was a bit surprised but was happy Merlin didn't think it was any more than shadow fighting.

"From today onwards you will be learning from me, I had to go away for 5 days to set up the next year of your life. First I will ask you a couple of questions. What is your dream?"

It was an intense question of great magnitude.

"I.." Ren didn't know what to say, all he had thought about for most of his life was revenge. [ You know what to say ] "... yes.. that's right!" Ren thought to himself. "My dream is to become the King of The World!"

Merlin bursted out laughing. "Hahaha! I guess I cannot trample on such a big dream, good. Having a dream that sounds stupid to even say is how you achieve greater than those who doubt you. I will become your first believer!" [ That is actually.. I ]

After having a good laugh, Merlin knew that Ren was the perfect person to become his disciple. "Get ready for hell on earth!"

Ren and Merlin both went outside. Merlins shack was a dome made of large stone bricks, almost like a jungle igloo. It was covered in vines, moss, and dirt but was cozy on the inside. In the backyard was a track for running and a large building that was a stone dome.

"I'm now going to test your Magic Element Affinity and your Mana Potencial." Merlin put his right hand on Ren's forehead who had his eyes closed. After a little while Merlin spoke. "Your Mana Potenical is Violet I see.. and your Magic Element Affinity is.. incalculable. You are a weird one indeed! haha."

Ren was surprised that Merlin didn't say anything about his violet mana potencial. Merlin then went on to explain a lot of the things that Crona explained. He also said some new things.

"Mana Potential is how much mana a conjurer can hold inside of their mana ocean. The more potencial, the more they can hold and release, the more power. A mana potential though is something created by the new world of conjurers, it overall does not affect how far you could get in your life with magic."

"Of course if your mana potencial is not high you will not get accepted in many jobs and schools, this is why many people with low mana potencial don't achieve great things in life and people think that it means low mana potencial is worse than it actually is."

Once done explaining, Merlin took Ren to the dome building. The inside was lit up by torches on the walls but it was still dark. Merlin explained to Ren that this was a Mana Chamber. A place where mana existed greatly. This building was covered in mana crystals which emitted mana infinitely by drawing it from the world and letting it go in the room.

Ren was to cultivate his mana ocean in this room, and gather mana into his mana ocean to strengthen it. Merlin left the room and Ren sat down. He closed his eyes and slowly breathes in and out while imagining the thick mana in the air going into his mana ocean.

It will insanely quiet, any noise even quiet would sound so loud it would hurt Rens eardrums. [ *DING* ] Ren opened his eyes, freaked out. [ New skill learned: Absorb 100%. Absorb allows you to quickly absorb all of the mana from mana crystals ] Ren had gotten used to Crona's annoyances.

"Use Absorb" He thought in his mind. As soon as he said this, a familiar painful hot sensation occured in his abdomen, but this time only for a moment. He had absorbed all of the mana from the mana crystals in the room. [ It will take around a month for the mana crystals present in the room to restore with mana, I recommend coming to this place once a month. ]

After this Ren left the dome, shocked. Merlin was not home most of the time except for morning, so Ren had all the time in the world to practice. Merlin had also told him that he would have to hunt his own food, and that Merlin would be providing none of it himself.

Ren woke up in the morning and trained all of his skills one by one repeatedly until noon, at noon he would go out to hunt. After eating he would repeat the process again and again.

Just like that 11 months passed by. Ren had learnt how to hunt efficiently. Skinning, gutting, and killing was all that was involved in it. A couple of months into hunting he learned a new spell. "Stone Bullet." A small stone bullet that allowed Ren to hunt small game like birds and rabbits in one hit.

Throughout the months Ren learned 4 new spells. 2 from Merlin and 2 by himself. The two spells he learned from Merlin were "FireBall" and "Water Arrow" These were basic spells that were pretty useful.

The two he learned from Crona was truly useful. Crona explained to Ren that other than the Original 5 magic elements, there were many more elements. Combining the 5 elements with each other could grant more elements to use, for example, Plasma, Darkness, and Light.

Plasma was a mix of Fire and Wind to create Lighting, which was Plasma. Plasma had strong offense and defense. A very powerful element. Darkness was a mix of all of the elements to create a powerful element that was the strongest of them all, but the hardest to use and conjure.

To be able to conjure darkness you needed to simultaneously conjure all 5 original elements. Light was a mix of earth and wind. It allowed one to heal much more efficiently.

The two spells that Ren learnt from Crona were Plague Arrow and Lighting Blast. These attacks were very powerful. Ren, who was still a normal human at the time could now be compared to a Warrior level enhancer.

There was only 1 month left..