Incinerating Darkness Bomb

Ms. Hera (Teachers name) Taught the class about alchemy. This was something that actually intrigued Ren. To be able to create pills that could strengthen your mana ocean was something that could be very useful.

After that class came the History class followed by many others.

It was finally time for lunch. Ren was tired of all the classes and headed to the lunch room with haste. He sat down at one of the tables at random.

In front of him was an entire menu that he could choose from. As he looked at the delights and delicacies, he decided to eat fried chicken. It was has favorite back on earth and to eat it again would make his entire day.

He smelt the air as his fried chicken was brought in a small bucket. He grabbed a drumstick and took his first bite. It almost melted in his mouth as he swallowed. As he was eating, Mintz join him in his table.

Ren was confused at first but then decided not to ask why, he was just happy that Mintz joined him. Just like this his day went on, classes after classes, nothing interesting happened. At 4:00 in the afternoon, school ended.

Ren went straight to the library. When he arrived he had to make a card to enter and exit, as Ren entered he saw a glorious library with walls incredibly high. There were comfy sofas that were colorful scattered around the place.

Ren walked over to the "Spells" section. There he saw a small pedestal. As he put his hand on the pedestal it glew a blue color and presented him a screen of books. Ren picked the higher tier spell books and took them to a table near him.

As he opened the first book called "Highest Tier Flame Magic" He heard something in his head. [ If host permits, I can copy and store all contents of book instantly ] "Are you serious?" Ren was pleasantly surprised.

"I permit" information immediately started to pour in his head. [ The strongest spells in this book are Fire Bomb, Fire Arrow, and Fire Tornado. All skills have now been learnt. ]

Ren eyes glew as he realised how much power he had. Ren scanned hundreds of books within a couple of hours and went back to his room to test them all.

After he got back to his room Ren asked Crona to state all of the Spells he had learned.

[ Current Spells, Ultimate flight 10%

Ultimate Heal 15%

Demiurge Healing 0.001%

Copycat 0.01%

Stone Bullet 100%

Water Arrow 100%

Fireball 100%

Plague Arrow 100%

Lighting Blast 100%

Fire Bomb 100%

- ]

Crona was cut off by Ren. "This is going to take too long, tell me the top 10 strongest spells I have newly learned from weakest to strongest"

[ 10. Telekinesis 50% A strong force that allows you to control things without physical content.

9. Steel Body 100% A spell that allows you to strengthen your flesh and bones greatly.

8. Wind Slash 100% A powerful gust of sharp wind from any direction.

7. Ultimate Speed 100% Allows user to become much faster for a period of time.

6. Water Prison 100% A sphere of water that entraps anything in it.

5. String Clasp 100% A small sharp sticky string holds anything in place, can also cut sharper than many swords.

4. Gamma Radiation 100% Deadly radiation enters opponents bodies, interfering with their senses and damaging internal organs.

3. Plague Spear 100% A strong spear made of darkness that annihilates anything it goes through.

2. Black Lighting 100% An Immense burst of powerful lighting combined with darkness that strikes down upon anything that is targeted.

1. Incinerating Darkness Bomb 100% A bomb that once casted creates an explosion of darkness able to destroy mountains. ]

Ren was blown away. Spell books in the library were mostly just for looks, not many could actually learn spells from them, and if they did it would take years of training.

Before he could say anymore, Crona spoke.

[ One of these spells is too impairing to host's Mana Ocean, Ex. Incinerating Darkness Bomb. I recommend host uses around 2 at a time before resting. ]

Ren could not believe what he was hearing. He had taken Crona for something that was very beneficial to him but not as something that could change the entire world of Gaia as he knew it.

Crona had 100 percent chance of learning these spells on the first try. Ren popped back into reality as he screamed into his pillow out of excitement. After he calmed down, Ren reviewed what to do next in his life.

Going to school was a priority for now until Crona reads all the spells and picks out the best for Ren. Ren also wanted to learn alchemy and see if Crona could learn alchemy just like she did the books.

Ren decided that he had to somewhat hide his power for the current moment. If anyone were to find out that Ren had such immense power at such a young age, he would not be spared. Countless experiments and torture awaited him if anyone were to know.

Ren then got up from his bed and checked the clock. It was 10 PM. He headed out of the academy, back to his home. He needed to check if his family was okay, it was just a hole in his heart that he had to fill. Ren jumped from rooftop to rooftop until he got home and checked on his family, who were sound asleep.

He could not let them be alone and not in his hands because it would be devastating if he were to lose them. They were the only thing that trusted and cared for him truly in any of his lives.

As he came back to the school, he saw someone training their sword in the field. It was Mintz. He had his shirt off, his muscles were very defined for a 12 year old. Mintz's sword techniques also blew Ren away.

Although Ren did not want to pursue to way of the sword, watching Mintz perform such intricate techniques was still very interesting.

Mintz raised his sword up to his face, he then turned around as he jumped back, stretching the sword out and in the opposite direction. It looked as though Ren was watching a movie back on earth.

Ren jumped from down from the tree he was looking at Mintz on. Mintz noticed him but didn't bat an eye. He was focused completely on training. "Why are you here Ren." Ren was surprised Mintz had noticed him even though there was no way he could see him. "I see you cared enough to remember my name, I suppose that means you will become my right hand man?"

Mintz didn't say a word, he just kept swinging his wooden sword. Ren also decided it was a good time to practice his techniques. Ren stepped back a couple of feet and activated Copycat.

'Crona, make Remus (Copycat white figure) copy the fighting skills of Mintz, also, allow Mintz to see Copycat' [ Commencing ]

Remus transformed into a less colorful version of the real life Mintz. Mintz saw this form the corner of his eye and couldn't help but look. A figure that looked just like him had appeared right in front of his eyes.

Ren appeared behind the fake Mintz in an instant using Ultimate Speed and hit him with a powerful blow to the back. fake Mintz got knocked a couple of feet away before regaining his composure and attacking back.

Fake Mintz used his most advanced sword technique (Most advanced that Ren saw) and attacked Ren. It was so fast Ren almost couldn't react. Ren used String Clasp to stop fake Mintz in place. A single sweat drop ran down Rens forehead.

"Very strong, as I thought, but not quite as strong as Remus. Come out Remus." Ren had hoped that he could have another sparring different from Remus but it was for no avail. Ren was too strong for Mintz.

Ren fought was Remus as Mintz looked on in disbelief. After a moment, Mintz walked over to Ren. "Ren, what is this thing?" Ren was happy that Mintz actually came over. "This right here is one of my skills, Copycat... Try it out if you want, but be wary, Remus is strong, right now, he's even stronger than me."