First Battle

As news spread around the world of the legendary King Kaza, people from around the world came to the kingdom of Theos to be able to witness this grand battle and support their kingdom.

As many people looked at the official fighting list, they wondered as to who in the world was this "Ren Envigoron". Many were excited and many were angry their king was not participating.

On seeing that Ren was also on the list of fighters, Carla and Daniel, Ren's parents, also insisted to see the fight, and with enough persuasion from Ren's parents, Merlin finally accepted.

As Revolus (King of Suvarna) looked at the list of fighters representing each kingdom, he grunted in anger. Such a brat that was thrown away from birth was the fighter that was going against him. It infuriated him.

News also spread to the strongest souls in Gaia, many organizations in the New World also came to watch the power of their potential rivals, and king Theos also saw Ren on the list of fighters.

"Katascope, (Theos kingdom superintendent) get me information on Ren Envigoron... what an interesting fellow haha." Theos was also very interested in the battle of Ren Envigoron, a person that was admitted into the fight only at the request of the legendary elder, Kyrios.

Soon as people arrived into the kingdom, the day arrived. A ginormous colosseum that could fit over 20 million people. It was grand in every way. Just a glance and you would feel as though you were royalty.

The colosseum was located in the middle of the Theos kingdom, the entire kingdom was built around it. Called the Rhodes Colosseum, it was there before the kingdom of Theos, known to be one of the oldest empires.

Rumours say that the Colosseum was used by gods before the human age and many others say different things, but one thing that is true about the coliseum even today is that it is still used by the strongest that this world can offer.

Soon enough, the day finally arrived. The battle of the kings was now here! Millions of people in the crowd cheering for the people down below, it was magnificent. Mintz, Syfas, Rens family, they were all there to watch the grand battle.

As people started to calm down, a person dropped down to the middle of the ginormous fighting ground down below. The person had a funny looking costume on. He looked identical to a clown back on earth. The clown also had a colorful horn in his hands. He lifted the horn up to his hands and spoke into it.

"Heeeelloooo everyone!! The name is Klooun! I will be the host and judge of this grand battle, I am pleased to meet you all." The crowd cheered in acceptance. "First, we must introduce the most important people here, also the people truly hosting this tournament!" Everyone looked to the left, where Klooun was pointing.

On a platform near the top of the colosseum were 9 people. "Please say hello to the Legendary Kyvern and the Legendary 4 Elders!" People cheered even louder to greet the people in front of them.

King Theos sat in the middle. He had black hair with strides of white running through. He wore the most majestic robe with knights armor underneath. King Vronti wore completely normal clothes, almost looking like he was not going to participate in the fights at all.

All of the other kings wore similar looking armor to king Theos except for King Nero. Nero wore a gladiators armor that shone brighter than gold. As they looked on, the first battle was finally announced. The horn was once again lifted to Klooun's mouth as the started to talk.

"Now.. we will introduce the first fight of the 100 we are going to have today..." After Klooun announced the fight, the king of a dwarven country and a human kingdom fought. The dwarven country took the win.

Just like this the fights continued on until there were only 10 fighters left. The day ended and people went back to their living quarters with smiles on their faces. The next day was what they were truly looking forward to.

A tournament where the strongest out of the kings would fight. It was the most exciting thing about the King Kaza. Right in the morning, posters were put up all around the kingdom announcing the fighters that were in the final fight for those who did not see the past 90 kings fight.

Many people only went to King Kaza for the final 10 kings to fight it out. Seeing the other kings was just irrelevant. The list included this:

10. Revolus

9. Vasu

8. Thymos

7. Thanatos

6. Ren

5. Vronti

4. Fotia

3. Nero

2. Anemous

1. Theos

Finally the day had arrived where Ren could take revenge on Revolus, but that wasn't the extent of his rage. He wanted to get revenge for everyone else that suffered from the royal Suvarna family as well.

As people gathered once again in the colosseum, Klooun once again announced the fighters. "Welcome everybody to the final 10! Today let's right into the fights with no delay! Firstly, introducing the almighty king representing every single dwarven country in the world of Gaia! Thymos!"

Horns started to blow as a ginormous crater floated above the entire colosseum. In an instant, the crater was broken into several million pieces as Thymos flew down from the sky to the ground, landing with a big explosion of dust.

People cheered as loud as they could. The king of Dwarves was a dwarf by race, but was actually 9 foot tall. He had a body that was completely made out of muscle. Thymos wore a large robe with a book of spells in his hand.

"Next, introducing the king representing all Elfs across the world and his down kingdom of Deva! The man who slew the legendary Chaos Dragon! Vasu!" On saying this, the crowd went silent, waiting for the entrance of Vasu.

A musical tone started to play throughout the entire colosseum as people started to hum along with it. It was one of the most beautiful things that even Ren had heard in his life. A large swan that was stunningly white and left a brilliantly calm and peaceful aura flew down from the sky at a peaceful pace.

Everyone was stunned at the sight as their minds and hearts were at the utmost peace it had ever been. As everyone looked on, the music was coming from a majestic person laying on the swan, playing a flute that was beautiful to even look at.

Vasu jumped off the swan as it started to slowly fly away. The person that had just landed was Vasu! THE VASU. His skin was completely an ocean blue color. He still had his jewel encrusted flute in hand. He wore nothing on the top part of his body except for many jewels and necklaces.

He wore orange pants that were made of the silkist coth. His feet were bare and had a red coloring on them. Vasu's height was only 5'5 but as he walked to the middle of the battle ground people could only watch in awe of the sight they were seeing.

Vasu, who had not stopped smiling since he had gotten off the swan, was looking directly at Thymos who was furious at the entrance of his opponent. "A very peaceful entrance for a fight would you not say so? Vasudeva?!" Thymos yelled out.

Vasu continued to look on happily. Ren opened his eyes more and more at the sight of what he was looking at and realised something. He recognized this person standing in front of him. Back on earth when he was in highschool, he had studied many religions. Although he was an atheist, the religion that he favoured the most was Hinduism.

It was more of a way of life than a religion but the god of Hinduism was a person that wore the exact clothing of what Vasu was wearing. It was even stated that Khrisna, the god of Hinduism, had bright blue skin.

Many things went through the head of Ren. How was a person only known to people on earth here in the King Kaza on Gaia? Was this a reincarnation or a transportation of a god from another universe or planet? Was Vasu just like Ren? Ren couldn't find any answers to his questions.

"Fight!" Klooun scream out.