
Eric was indeed a poor kid, but it never crossed his mind to steal. Eric's breath was already out of breath since he came home from work at the diner earlier.

 Eric needed a break. He covered his eyes with his arms. His head had been dizzy since this afternoon, but he tried to ignore it. He often experiences this, so it's nothing new for this young 17-year-old.

 When Eric was about to enter his dreamland, suddenly a figure walked towards him.

 "Why are you shouting, Eric? Papa was at the back of the house picking chilies, to make chili sauce. What's wrong with looking for papa, huh?!" The voice of the man who turned out to be Mr. Reno was heard.

 Eric gasped and woke up stuttering.  Getting up suddenly made Eric's world feel like it was spinning. He was silent for a moment when he suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated.

 "Answer me, Eric! Why are you calling papa like that, huh? You have no manners!" Mr. Reno grumbled back. He was still standing a few steps away from his son.

 After Eric felt his dizziness subside a little, he slowly stood up. He walked closer to his father. When he was right in front of his father, his knees weakened and he fell to his knees in front of his father.

 "I'm sorry Eric, Papa. Eric has disappointed papa again. I'm sorry for your child who doesn't know himself," Eric whispered.

 Mr. Reno frowned. "What do you mean, eum? You did disappoint papa a dozen years ago, so what's the problem now, um?" said Mr. Reno.

 Eric was still standing on his knees, his face lowered unable to see the dark glare of his father.

 "Actually ... actually Eric has a lot of debt in the school canteen, Papa. Eric even had to work part time, but why did Papa mess up Eric's workplace at that time? So, Eric was not paid this month and had to pay compensation for what Papa did,  at that time?" Eric paused his sentence just to take a deep breath. "So, Eric asks papa to help pay off all Eric's debts, huh, Pa?" please.

Mr. Reno flinched at his poor son's words.  Mr. Reno really made a mistake at that time.

However, Mr. Reno regretted that his selfish attitude had an impact on his son.

Eric didn't know how sorry his papa was after waking up from the influence of alcohol. If possible, Mr. Reno even wants to punch himself in the past for being cruel at Eric's workplace.

 Mr. Reno feels like a failure as a parent.  It wasn't enough just to make Eric suffer all this time because they were poor, it was also Mr. Reno who had spent his son's money from last month's payday on liquor. Even now, Mr. Reno regrets it.

 "Then, what do you want papa to do to make amends for papa, Eric?" said Mr. Reno, sincerely.

 Eric got up and walked calmly and sat on the sofa, leaving his father on the threshold of the living room.

"Papa is really sorry, Dear. If possible, papa wants to come to the past to punch himself, papa, who was cruel to you at that time," said Mr. Reno. He walked closer to his son.

"So, why is papa admitting his guilt only now, huh?! Papa knows that Eric has a congenital disease from birth. By acting like that, do you want to kill Eric slowly, don't you think?" accused Eric.

Mr. Reno trotted over and approached Eric who was sitting leisurely on the sofa. He sat cross-legged on the floor, next to the sofa Ericm was sitting on

"That's not what papa meant, Son! Papa had warned Eric not to work hard anymore, right? At that time papa was making a mistake, and in Papa's mind, Eric must have a lot of money. Before leaving for school, Eric worked selling newspapers. Then, after school still working part-time as a waitress in a restaurant. So, the out-of-control papa thinks that Eric has a lot of money to buy liquor. That's papa's stupid thinking."

 "That's no reason to do everything, Pa! You know that I work to help you too. If your attitude continues like that, I can't take it anymore, Pa." Eric spoke. From the time he was at school until his boss's room, Eric wanted to cry. However, he held back the tears because of his embarrassment.


To be continued ....