Plain Employer

Rio instead smiled seeing Zarius overreacting like that. Zarius continued to complain while ruffling his blond hair. From Zarius' muttering earlier, Rio was able to draw a conclusion.

Rio patted Zarius' right shoulder and smiled.

"Ahahaha ... I didn't think that financial matters could make you this frustrated, My Lord."

"This is not a trivial matter, Rio! In this city, money is everything. You can't live without money. Eating, drinking, living, everything costs money. In fact, in this place you have to pay to pee!!" Zarius spoke, annoyed. This is an embarrassing thing to remember.

Before Zarius met Eric yesterday, Zarius wanted to pee and he entered the public toilet cubicle. After urinating, Zarius has to pay a pee fee of 2000 rupiah. Zarius was angry and refused to pay, but in the end he paid too for fear of being beaten by the locals.

Since then, Zarius prefers to pee under a tree in the middle of a deserted garden.