Mist Valley

Now, Rufus and the four people he brought into the forest were busy looking for the whereabouts of the man he was chasing earlier. He was great at finding traces of the Werewolf he was hunting. Almost every time he hunted a werewolf, he would come home with the creature's head. Then, then the head was preserved and used as decoration in his house.

This time it seemed a bit difficult to find traces of the werewolf that was being chased by Rufus earlier. Rufus felt that the man he was chasing had a stronger power than the other wolves. Or maybe the guy still can't control his own strength? Rufus didn't know.

"Bastard! Where is he hiding? There's no way he's far from this place, I know he's a new Werewolf, who's a bit difficult to control his power for a few times he transforms into a beast. But if left unchecked, he can become stronger later. stronger when he gathers with the Flock." Rufus cursed and looked around, looking for the whereabouts of the man he was hunting.