Fairy Tale

I looked around the room again. Dino sat not far from me. He was looking at me right now, and it felt terrible. Being stared at by someone of the same gender as me. Isn't this a disgrace? Unlucky! I have a bad feeling right now.

"Finally ... you're awake, Eric! This is my place. You can have a look. I'll give you a few minutes to get to know the room we'll be sharing."

After saying that ambiguous thing, Dion walked away. He sat in the corner of the room where all the walls, roof and floor were covered with my 15R photo. Dino is seen eating cup noodles at the moment.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Dino did take off my blindfold, but he hasn't removed the duct tape covering my mouth. He must have been afraid that I would scream.

I looked around. This room only has an area of ​​​​about 6x6 meters. But the whole wall is covered with my photos. And that's a collection of my photos indeed.