Learn Fighting Techniques

 "Ah ... I've heard that call from Rio many times. So, it doesn't matter if you call me that. Just like when Rio called me."

 "Thank you, My Lord."

 Ziev smiled at Zarius' words allowing Ziev to call himself 'Lord Rius'. It seemed that was the sentence Zarius had wanted to hear all along. After this, Ziev hoped his relationship would improve again with his lord. Just like their relationship hundreds of years ago, Ziev as servant and Zarius as master.

 "And did you know, My Lord? I learned fighting techniques after meeting someone similar to you. I was determined to be strong and show my master someday. However, something happened to that master, he returned to his place and did not been back in hundreds of years. Ah, it turns out that the two of us actually met in this country unexpectedly. This may still sound confusing to you, but I was still very happy when I met you." Ziev spoke, unable to hide his delight.