Jack's New Plan! Ballsy or Dumb?

A man nonchalantly walked out of the inferno in Burning Leaf forest. At this moment, Jack truly seemed to deserve his new title of Mad Pyromaniac. 

[Temporarily Assigned Field Boss Status!] 

[Elimination Missions Will Be Issued!] 

[Current Objective: Survive!] 

[Remaining Time: 33 hours!] 

So that's how it was? He coincidentally had to survive until Igor could bring him away. He felt like a mobster about to go into witness protection. He gave a small grin as he glanced at the sea of fire around him. 

As long as this kept burning, would his enemies even dare enter? They didn't have an OP Burning Man passive. They'd have to be chugging potions just to walk nearby. 

"Woo?" (What now?)

"We've done every fucking dungeon in this place, and we're ready to leave anytime. BUT, can a man known as the Demon King just silently leave?" 

"Woo!" (Of course not!) 

"So here's what we'll do…." Jack grinned mischievously.