Stats Too Low?!

The towering hulking chicken bone golem charged at the party with incredible speed. 

This monster was all bones, sharp ones that would rip a human to pieces on impact, and it was throwing its body at them! Jack instantly went in front, shield first, bracing himself for impact. There was nowhere to run nor to turn back. 

— BAM! —

The incredible weight forced him to take a few steps back, all until he was up against the wall. The monster creaked, growled, and kept pushing. 

Wall in the back, the golem in the front: this was a freaking compactor! Any more, and the man would be turned into a bloody mush staining the stone. 

But as much danger as the wall posed, it could be used as a foothold! 

"Time to fight back!" Jack shouted. 


Jack pushed back using 100% of his power, slowly forcing the creature backward. This was an STR stat check for sure!