So I'm an NPC?

"Alright, guess you're hired." Then he turned to the dishwasher. "I've never seen an owner so careless before." 

"H-how did you know?" 

"I didn't. You just told me." 

"…. -_-' "

"There's no way these two waiters would dare do something like that without permission. Anyway, it was delicious. How much do I owe you?" 

"It's on me if you answer a single question. What line of work are you in? I've seen many people but never someone just like you." 

"Like me?" 

"Somehow, this guy apparently just met you, yet he wants to work for you and is 100% convinced you're some kind of bigshot." He pointed at the embarrassed beggar, with the two intently listening. 

"Pro-Gaming." Jack honestly answered. 

A few pleasantries later, the three took their leave, the owner inviting him back whenever. He was a pretty nice guy, one that was perhaps just a bit too bored.