Annoying Bastards (1/2)

[Gained Well-Rested Buff!] 

[Regen UP, XP gain UP!] 

Jack gave a wry smile as he remembered the previous night's event and Pumpkin Girl's endearing blushing face. The morning was sunny and warm, auguring a great day. 

"Are you there, blind fairy?" he called toward the Fairy House. 

"Hey, I'm no longer blind!" The tiny little creature came floating out energetically before blushing as she twirled her thumbs hesitantly. "About yesterday—"

"It's fine, I understand." After all, Fairies were a magical race with some concepts escaping them. "Rather than that, it's time for training."

She obediently came to rest on his shoulder as he patrolled his domain, teaching her a new technique: mana infusion.

Magical races could use it, but it required a very high affinity with them. As with anything else in Infinite: the higher the power, the harder it was to attain. In this case, his Fairy Hero title would allow this to work.