Eternal Mines!

In a tiny tavern room sat two individuals: the sword genius Derek and the one known as the Demon King. They were currently facing each other in a heavy silence.

"Master, did you kill him?" The disciple frowned as he finally asked. 

"What do you think?" Jack gave a mysterious smile. 

"Why?!" He seemed more perplexed than angry. 

The youngster had managed to piece the rumors together to draw a picture of the whole incident. 

Woodcutter —> Talks shit about Jack 

Woodcutter's Friend —> Asks for help from the military 

Only witness to a potential crime —> Mysteriously disappears 

"Are you familiar with the concept of subjective truth?" Instead of replying, Jack asked another question of his own. 


"What he "saw" was me turning into a Deer into a Macabre. Truthfully, the whole thing was a coincidence as I was simply trying to kill it. Wrong place, wrong time." 

"Then why not just explain that?!"