I'll Give You A Choice!

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

Adventurer Dorian wasn't one to be slighted. Many feared the strong and the influential, but the truly fearsome were the desperate ones. He was incredibly desperate. 

His month's rent was late, utterly so. 

Perhaps taking a loan to buy the Infinite gaming capsule hadn't been the wisest choice he had ever made. Now he was risking getting evicted. 

It wasn't that he was foolish either. In theory, he had a solid plan to make money. He had even rushed through the Tutorial and arrived at Sprigfield.

Yes, he had simply been especially unlucky. 

When he had been hunting in the field, undead rats had come out of nowhere. In the forest, an invisible deer had rampaged, and in the Canyon he had been forced to join a war. 

At this point, he was already losing his mind. Every time he just minded his own business, everything would go to Hell!