Goblin Helpers

Lilly's accident had nearly scared the little family to death. 

Luckily, it was nothing serious. Apparently, she had only temporarily lost consciousness from over-excitement from the good news Jack had brought her. 

Perhaps there was some truth to the expression "so happy I could die"? Either way, every time he would glance her way, she'd reassure him that she was fine. 

"I'm perfectly alright, see!" Or so she said, doing jumping jacks to prove it. 

This just left one issue…. 

— Ring! Ring! Ring! — 

"I have some nice antiques to sell. We can meet and—"

"Persistent motherfucking bastard!!! Leave me alone, or I'll fucking call the cops on your ass! I don't want some useless antiques. How about you call a goddamn museum?!"

He had the right guy, but it seemed like he really did not care one bit. This was so different from the man he had known back then. 

Option 1: Jack's actions had changed something