Moon Elf

"Are you planning to summon more undead, Sir?" As the Tea Demon asked, a sound suddenly resounded outside. 

"!!!" Someone was here! 

Jack looked at the nearby Fairy, who had just come back from a round across the City. Tch— She had obviously been followed, and the Demon just had to run his mouth! 

"Ah! I'll take care of it, Sir!" The Demon bolted outside, a magical cloak of bloody darkness surrounding him. 

— Clash! — 

As a collision resounded, Jack hurried outside too. His eyes couldn't help but bulge as he saw their would-be enemy. 

It was a knight-type, one that was wearing the sigil of the City. This guy was a guard?! Didn't this mean that they had to kill him, or they'd be busted?!

He wielded a large sword as if a kid's toy, waving it in a protective arc against the magical claws the Demon was slashing with.