All DEAD!!

In the OP blacksmith school, a master was instructing his students. 

"Are you all ready? There cannot be any mistake here, or our school will most likely cease to exist, do you all understand?" Jack 

"Gulp!" It was that big of a deal?! 

Everything was ready to go. They were just missing the lead actor…. 

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

The Captain sighed in relief as he saw his reflection in the mirror. 

He finally looked human again! 

He had waited so long since he knew very well what would happen if he were to swagger back to the barrack looking like a Moon Elf. 

1. Getting Captured 

2. Losing most credibility 

3. Not being able to help to deal with the Necromancer. 

Then again, perhaps everything was already resolved? Lord Silver had promised… 

In any case, he had grown up in this City, and he for sure would do all he could to save it from being destroyed by a scheming lunatic.