New Training

Jack and Moon Moon had died so many times that they had lost count. 

Even the weakest enemies were enough to exhaust them to death. Then the elements would finish them. 

Most would actually skip this kind of content, only to clear it once they were stronger. He had seen many level 40+ players fail the level 30 area in his previous life. 

This realm was merciless and filled with ambushes, but there was finally a glimmer of hope in front of them. 

A small igloo! 

This was their last hope! 

"Finally! We did it!" Tears of joy came out only to freeze up. 

As soon as they came near, the Igloo exploded! — BOOM! — An avalanche was sent their way, a wave of snow about to bury them alive once more! 

"Woo!" (What is this?!) 

They ran and ran some more, but couldn't escape! Moon Moon's world was shattering. How could something be so fast without any legs?!