THEY Are Coming!

A Centaur and a Human were meeting in a large yet rustic leather tent full of animal furs. It was only supposed to be a meet and greet, but it was bound to turn grim. 

Jack didn't hesitate and went straight to the point. 

"Where are the adults? What happened to them?" The high number of kids was a simple observation, yet it changed everything. 

The entire Centaur's being suddenly turned sorrowful and solemn as he glanced at the human: this one really was different! Perhaps…he could even help them? 

"This place, this so-called "Village," used to be a simple outpost full of hunting tents. But it all changed when THEY attacked…." The Centaur unconsciously shivered, fearful. 

Oh god! A centaur shivering?! They were the kind to ride into battle fearlessly, and anyone slighting them was on for a solid beating…or many!