They swarmed toward the army akin to locust…nightmarish ones, their gallop making the land tremble. Yet, the allied Centaur troops didn't cower one bit. 


The mighty shout was so powerful that it made the corrupted bluejays twitch so hard in surprise that they lost feathers. 

Then came the charge, piercing through the dark bluish feathery rain, the entire world seemingly moving aside, not daring to stand in their way! 

— Woosh! — 

The Centaurs were suddenly gone. They were so coordinated that they all seemingly blended into one magnificent arrow of death. A second later, they were reaching the enemies! 

— CRASH! — 

The sea of dark beings parted, the creatures flying all over the place, some even reaching the birds above! 

The ones standing out of the way hadn't been forgotten either. "STRIKE!" The deadly sharp spears came along with Jack's shout, all targeting the heads and hearts!