Pumpkin Girl's Adventure!

"It's a long story—" Pumpkin Girl's voice suddenly echoed, only to suddenly halt as two bodies rushed into her embrace. 

She couldn't help but give a helpless smile at the wolf/human acting spoiled, hugging her endlessly. Her heart suddenly felt so full as she patted their heads gently. 

"Thank you." She softly murmured. 

She knew the trouble they had gone through to save her, realizing how lucky she was. Thanks to her involvement with Jack, she understood just how little an "NPC" should have mattered to a Brave, and yet… 

"Woo!" (As long as you're alright!) 

"Of course she's alright! She's not one to kick the bucket that easily. She knows I wouldn't forgive her otherwise." Jack teased, but relief was nonetheless painted on his face. 

He looked like a man that had attained enlightenment, one that didn't have any worry in the world anymore. He had found her again, and that was enough. 

The scene couldn't have been more wholesome….