Dumb Fish!

The morale of the human army was akin to premature ejaculation. 

It started fun, hard, and magnificent…but suddenly turned flaccid as people got killed. Apparently, for some, getting their own entrails shoved down their throat was PTSD-inducing. 

"Muahahaha! Is this all that you human can do?!" Gargan kept guffawing. 

He was a mad rampaging god on the battlefield. To make matters worse, there was no way to injure him! The players were quickly faced with the same problem as Jack earlier. 

But that's when the formations began appearing! I.R.L. was the first guild to showcase its formation mastery. It didn't take them long for magic golden chains to link them as they surrounded and trapped Gargan! 

The latter could only stare wide-eyed at the enormous power the weaklings were displaying. "H-how?!" He screamed as the golden chains engulfed him as if a net.