Ambush?! Don't Care!!!

The ambiance was jubilant… 

Endless cheers resounded, lizards going mad with excitement as the gigantic portal started opening. They knew that the Lizardmen coming out of there would be their future! 

They would lead the charge against humanity. They would bring them eternal glory, but most importantly, they'd massacre the bastards who had banished them from Infinite! 

They couldn't wait. They simply couldn't wait! 

But amidst the cheers, there was a certain lizard lady who was completely freaking out. 'There's something wrong!' those words resonated inside her akin to a mantra. 

Lizzy had a bad feeling about it all. 

Towering above the spectator area, there was the High Priest. And from him, she could clearly detect killing intent as he stared at the portal. He'd kill someone in there! 

It was just her gut feeling, and yet she knew.