Pink Magnet?!

Jack had never felt as good. 

There was a flower on his left, and so there was one on his right. Both were Lilly; she just kept bouncing from side to side excitedly as she circled him with happy doggo energy. 

"You're kidding me, right?! Are we really going to…" 

"Did I ever lie to you? Of course not!" 

As Jack assured, her collarbone rolled in the cutest shrug. Lie? Never! Yet, he had a habit of understating things a bit, so even now, she didn't know what to expect. And she absolutely loved it! 

< Ding! Ding! First Train Departing Soon! > 

< Please Keep Your Hands Inside! > 

< Duck Jump Scare Warning! > 

"Wait… what?!" 

The latter felt super puzzling until one remembered there was a wildlife preserve in between here and the nearby-ish E-District. 

At that moment, they were on a ginormous train platform buzzing with people. As far as the eye could see, there were happy people, depressed people, and even dancing people?