Blood connected all full-blooded demons. Their hierarchy was based on who they served and where they get their power. In simple terms, if a subordinate was killed, the superior would know.
When a superior demon accepted subordinates, he welcomes them to his blood family. He could then consciously feel in his blood the demonic force of all his full demon blood subordinates. If they will be gone, it was like a finger that had vanished.
Kara let go of the dead demon chef, letting him fall to the floor.
In his stealth form, he looked behind and saw a middle-aged man walking with a can clacking in the waxed floor at every step.
'So this is Rabbit Hallwart.'
At the very same time, Kara noticed that the man's eyes had already turned reddish. Similar to how the chef's eyes looked for a moment before he died like nothing.