Chapter 1: Omnious News

"Haa...," a yawn left my mouth.

After you fill yourself to the brim at the dinner table, lying down immobile on the couch feels best.

Well, now it doesn't feel as good as before as I am already used to sleeping and rolling on the bed at all times throughout the day. Trust me, being financially independent and retiring early came with its own sets of pros and cons.

But by no means does that mean that I am lazy. In fact I was more of the workaholic type if not anything. The reason why I am like this is because...

That is because...

I shook my head like crazy.

There was no point brooding over spilt milk. What was the point?

I have everything... a cozy lifestyle, a harmless daily routine that involved no sweats and enough bank balance to last me throughout my life. Hell, even if I appoint two personal maid for myself to look after my every needs, doing all of my work, making by muscles even more rusty and also drying out my little brother down below everyday, I would probably still have enough money to send some to charity.

There might come a lot of problems in my everyday life but money definitely wasn't one of them.

And just now I was faced with one such problem.

"Ah, where is the remote control? Damn, I lost it again."

I crawled on my couch as I looked for my remote here and there. The T.v wasn't going to start without it anyway so I may just look for it as a warm up exercise.


The sound of something breaking ringed in my ears. I looked below only to find out that my knees had sunk into the remote and had crushed its rear end under my weight.

"Damn, not again."

I rolled my eyes. I realized that I was sleeping on top of it from the very beginning!

But this much was not a problem.

I reached out my hands as the palm of my hand glowed in a faint viridescent light.

'Still Not enough.'

Sweat poured down my forehead as I focused on the object more. It was only then... the pieces began to vibrate as they throbbed and moved around.


It was the sound of breaking again. But this time my lips arched into a satisfied smile. The pieces of the borken remote had reverted back to its place as the piece became as good as new. It was as if I had never broke it in the first place?!

Sauvvy trick isn't it? Well I don't think so. Probably if one knew about its limitations one won't be as pleased.

I flopped myself back on my couch as I switched on the T.V.

What? Don't judge me.

Internet and Television are the only solace I have now to pass these boring hours.

But it's not like I regret it.

But I don't like it either.

May sound hypocrite of me but since when I wasn't one? But in this case, my feelings towards my current lifestyle are as indifferent as I am to all the other people in this world.

But I had promised.

No matter what.

Even if the sky falls down or the earth shatters open... I won't be coming out of my hole.


It is my own words that have bound me to this place.

And, now I was alone in my home. It was just the sound of the news anchors resounding in my room.

[In this day and age, Where the number of dungeons are increasing everyday, we need to increase our forces too. New guilds are being encouraged to be set up with grants...]


I immediately switched to a different channel. Tell me something I don't know about.

'Though things have certainly changed aren't they? Back then in my time they didn't use to give a penny to newly formed guilds.'

My mouth twisted. If they had provided grant in those days then my friends would have an easier time forming a guild and won't have to work for others.

Though considering the kind of destruction that our country Diamen had faced after the outbreak of dungeons in the world that would have been a little too much to ask of them. Nowadays things are rather tranquill just like my everyday life.

But even if they provide incentives for new heroes to rise...

No matter what happens.

Even if the sky falls down or the earth shatters open... I won't be coming out of my hole.

For that is what I had promised. And that is for the best.

"Yes it has to be that way."

It was then...

The channel that I had turned too just now buzzed as the entire screen turned gray.

I raised my brows probably annoyed.

Even I didn't knew what I should make out of this disturbance.

Should I be angry at the service provider and rant to him on the phone like any other customer?

Or should I just fall asleep hoping that the service would fix itself once I wake up.

But there was also a sleeping anticipation within me.... as I knew something like this isn't part of my everyday routine.

When your life become too monotonous you begin to notice even the minutest differences that occur around you.


"Leave it. I am probably just overthinking."

At that point I hadn't realized, that my life was going to take a turn that I could have never even imagined in my wildest dreams.

It took a minute for the images to resurface as everything became visible again.

And it came along with a loud scream.

[Breaking news!!]

[The Silver Lion Guild's S class party Deguern was wiped out while clearing their recent quests. The dungeon was identified to be an A grade dungeon swallowing the whole party inside it. Carcasses of the party members have already been located!]

My ears perked up. As my eyes buldged out wide. Did I hear it right?

"Silver Lion Guild..." I muttered under my breath.

There wasn't much of anything unscrupulous about that guild. It was just one of the top guilds that many of my friends had joined, after they had failed to create one of their own, due to their own guild having been driven to bankruptcy.

But that wasn't my heartiest concerns. Rather...

"Deguern? Isn't that the team that Eli is woking in?"

I immediately rose to my feet as my whole body went stiff. The relaxed muscles of mine as before were no where to be found.

I stared at the screen, they were repeating the same news over and over again in broken circles.

It took a moment before my senses returned back to me.

"Ha! Can't be happening. It's Eli we are talking about. Even if her whole party gets wiped out she would be safe and sound."

It wasn't the first time that the media claimed her to be dead. Rather she had met with entire party wipe outs more times than there were fingers on my hands. But everytime she had come out back alive.

I smirked as I flopped back on my couch.

'After all she is special... I can't believe I was almost on the verge of visiting the scene myself. Stupid me.'

After all no matter what happens I must never leave my hole.

Even if the sky fall apart or even if the earth shatters open... I must persist here. And it was just the wiping out of a single party we are talking about. Even if they all die along with Eli it could hardly matter for me. She was just an old friend just the same as all the others that had died so far.

[What do you think of the current situation Mr. Olav?]

[It won't really be fare to say anything now. We must wait. 'Eternal' would be reviving any moment now. It is best to wait for her testimony of the events since she herself was part of the party that was wiped out.]

Yeah they are somewhat right. Everytime Eli's party was wiped out, she had came back with enough information to help the future parties to clear the dungeon with ease. 'Eternal' was just her hero name for the peculiar power she had.

It was then that something unexpected happened...

A man came closer to a hostess whispering something in her ears.

"Disturbance in a live event huh?"

As the man relayed its news to the hostess, her face suddenly turned pale as all of her colors drained from her face. It might have been quite a shock for even a professional like her to react like that in front of the camera. There must be some kind of twist that the media channel is planning.

"Well this dungeron seems interesting enough for me to want to stoll around it as a spectator... But I must not. Even if the sky apart and..."

[Everyone we have a bad news! The hero of Eternal hasn't been able to revive. Her body has been lifeless ever since!]


That felt wrong. No it was definitely wrong!

But my body moved on its own for some reason as I grabbed my coat and slammed the door behind me as for the first time ever since I had bought it... I left my house empty.