Chapter 4: Dead

A sudden jolt assaulted me awake from my sleep.


The train moved swiftly through the tunnels. Although it might not seem like so but theses tunnels made of synthetic materials are quite sturdy preventing monsters from demolishing them.

But was it assurance of safety that made me doze off on my way?

No it was... there was no one.

The train was absolutely empty dawning an inconspicious silence inside of the vehicle. It was quiet enough for it to make you fall asleep.

It wasn't always like this though. But where this train was headed...

"Right, no one would want to go in that direction right?"

Other than a few nutcases or relatives going to visit the hospital like me one would hardly take the risk. Today was one of those days when the vehicle was completely empty transporting only one man to that deathscape which seemed to be me.


With a puff the train came to a stop. There was a petrifying silence that followed which was enough to kill one out of insanity.

Then the sliding doors opened.

[Welcome to city 12]

The Ai voice continued with its daily routine unaware of the dangers and the mental state of those who visit such a place.

I took a deep breath as I grabbed onto my bag.

"Just a bit..."

At least that was how the promise goes. I wanted to see it with my own eyes to assure myself.


The train doors shut behind as the train spirited away leaving me in this desolated land. I guess desolated would be a bit too much for this place as it was not as bad as City 13.

My hands slipped into my bag as I grabbed onto a pistol I had brought along. Even though I am not that good at shooting but I do have a licence. Ironic isn't it? Money can do a lot of work for you.

But this was the least bit of self defence I had prepared for myself. Though I would be lying if I said that there was nothing else in my bad. But due to licence issues I would rather keep them for dire circumstances.

The lights of the station were flickering seeming already in their last breath. The man sitting at the station booth was as vigilant as he could had been with a large gun in his hand.

"Excuse me, I want to go to the Kuranai hospital. Do you happen to know the way?"

I took out a map of City 12. But what the man was more fixated on was the pistol on my hand.



He might be asking for mine, but I doubt he had one in the first place. Anyway...

After showing mine the man enlightened me with the direction.

I rolled the map back finally leaving the station.

It was dark.

"Not as easy as it seems huh?"

Unlike the station, this place was completely uninhabitated. The streets were as empty as they could have been and they were completely dark. In the distance I could hear the sound of ambulances moving around though.

It was by all means a small city that was only populated by hospitals and patients for immediate treatment due to any fatal injuries at the dungeon. These places were often used as an intermediator for delivering first aid before the patients were moved onto a safer place.

I switched on the flash light attached at the head of the pistol of mine. The road barely had any tire marks with a few unattended cracks here and there.

"Well since I know the way..."

I started walking all alone on my own.

I realized that I was hasty when moving.

Had I taken someone with me I would have been in such an omnious situation in the first place.

But then again I had panicked so much that I couldn't even ride a proper car and had to ask for lift.

All I could do was be vigilant as I gripped onto the pistol in my hand promising to never let it go.

After a while of walking...

An array of street lights that were actually working came into my sight.

And at the end of it all was the... Kuranai hospital.

It was a large hospital which was heavily guarded. Guarded not my normal humans weilding guns like me but actual real life heroes with powers far better than mine own.

But even if I say that my power actually wasn't that bad. It was just that I couldn't use it and I never wanted to in the first place. I had a lovely home and enough money to live my life lavishly. What more could one ask for?

A smile adorned on my lips for unknown reasons.

"Found it."

A took off the bag on my back and tossed it aside to an alley. It had some questionable stuff inside which I would rather not be found out with considering the security in the hospital. But the pistol is fine, since I had the license with me.

It was then...


I heard the sound of someone gritting his teeth from the alley that I threw my stuff in. My whole body went stiff.

Was someone there? What if they check what's inside the bag? I would be doomed.

"No that kind of sound...."

It couldn't have been a human.

Shivers ran down my spine. I quickened my pace as I looked back time and time again out of sheer fear.

"Calm down, calm down. The hospital is just in sight. I can't be more safer."

With the level of security there was hardly any chance that I would be in any danger for now that is. I quickly stormed inside as sweat poured down my forehead.

But the guards at the entrance stopped my path though.


I nodded as I passed them my license.

"I see, Noya Tamio, huh? Who are you here to visit?"

"Eri... no, I mean Eternal."

"Eternal huh? Wait what?! You are her..."

"Friend, an old friend."

"Her situation is a bit hopeless this time you know... in more than many ways. Though I doubt you would be of any help."

The guard returned my license back as he cleared out the way for me to pass.

I walked in glancing left and right. But... I couldn't help but turn back to him out ot curiousity.

"You said that Eternal's situation is hopeless? What do you mean?"

The man shrugged.

"She is dead you know? What could be more hopeless than that? Though the problem we are facing is something else entirely."

My pupils shook.

"Eternal is dead..."

I still don't understand. How can she of all people be dead? What would be the meaning of her title otherwise if she were to die?

"Come on. Get moving already. Although it might not seem like it, I am quite busy you know?"

The man's snorting was what got me back from my daze.

"Wait, one last question. What did you meant when you said that I won't be of any help..."

I almost blurted out in the haste of things, though I never wanted to say it. It was a pointless question considering Eternal had died.

The man shrugged.

"You have got no mana on you, you know? What help could you possibly be giving us?"

I was stupified.

I left without a word.

"He is right."


Though I blurted it out in haste he didn't need to be that blunt. That was what I thought. But who was I kidding anyway?

Should I return though? I have confirmed that Eternal has died so there was no point being here was there? Though if I wait a bit for the night to pass, I could even return with some other people in batch early in the morning ensuring my safety. Who the hell travels in dark except the stupid me?


"Just a bit..."

I headed for the reception. Asking for Eternal's whereabouts...

"3rd floor, room number 806?"

Though it was weird how they were giving a dead body a seperate room of her own, I could understand that it was necessary for a hero's dead body like her.

It might seem like it... but it was nothing like respecting the dead hero or anything. Rather it was a medical procedure to be followed... the reason for which I couldn't have been more aware of.

After all, I...

I stormed to the 3rd floor in the directed room.

There she was, lying in the bed her face being all pale.

I stumbled inside not bothering the nurses and doctor standing beside of her. I checked her pulse.

"There is none..."

I felt something snapping insde of me.