Chapter 10: Sweet Revenge


I slapped my cheeks as I got prepared for school staring at the mirror. In the end, I got convinced by Rika.

What could I do? She used the 'Eri' card after all and even I wanted to forget I soo wanted to meet her.

The reason I avoided her till now was because I held some regrets.

From the very beginning I had affected Eri negatively in my past life. My existence had been nothing but toxic for her.

That is why I was rather desperate to seperate myself from. Or should I say that it was probably one of the many reasons I had picked up for convenience?

But if I were to be honest with myself I do like her company. I do admire her.

It was just that we were never meant to be and it couldn't be helped.

But leaving her without even saying a proper goodbye?

I know better than anyone else how much I would regret that. There was nothing bad with a farewell now was it?

So I chose to be honest this once.

It's just the last day right?

Can't be a big deal.

I shook my head.

But there was always something that I didn't like about my good luck.

As soon as I left my house, I just had to bump into her.


But considering we are neighbours this was probably unavoidable?

'Was she perhaps waiting for me outside?'

That thought did cross my mind but I fervently brushed it aside knowing that I was perhaps delusional. This was the young Eri we are talking about.


"Hi Eri," I whispered scatching my back.

There was an awkward silence in between the two of us.

Eri didn't know what to talk about.

And I even more so didn't know what to talk. After all there were only so many things that you can think of when the only word you prepared from beforehand was a 'goodbye'.

But the cloudy mess in my head only lasted for a minute.

"Say, today is last day, isn't it?"


She was still fidgety but it seems that she was able to get a word out at least.

I grabbed her hand and smiled as bright as could. It wasn't really forced smile unlike my usual actions. Or rather I was being honest with myself in quite a while.

"Then let's enjoy today to our fullest, okay?"

Perhaps my smile was contiguous.

She smiled in reaction to me as well.


"Ha Ha, that's more like it. You look the cutest when you smile."

"Eh? No, don't call me cute out of the blue."

Eri was... how can I express it?

She was weird in a good way.

I had probably known her for the longest period as compared to anyone else. Yet even then, I can't figure out half the time what she was thinking.

But at this hour her thoughts weren't a mystery.

It was probably the same words that she wanted to convey and I stole them before she had the chance to say it.

'Let's make sweet memories of our last day'

That's what she wanted to say but couldn't muster up the courage to say them but since I was able to voice out her thoughts she couldn't help but shower me with her brightest smile.

It was quite the irony, wasn't it? She is the future Eternal, the hero who was known for her valorace and who had always been unfazed by her countless deaths. But here she was coward enough to not be able to get out some words.

I think it was humerous and unbelievably cute.

Her eyes glittered like they would never lose their shine. And her slightly flushed face could only complement to her cuteness...

But, wait a second? Aren't they a bit too red.

"What happened Eri. You are all red. Are you perhaps sick?"

I bent low closing in my forehead with hers as I checked her temperature.

"Ah, too close!"

She pushed me away with a shrill cry. Her face had got even redder.

"Let's go, or else we would be l-lazze," she was so embarrased that she bit her tongue.


Oh my God!

Could it be that she is conscious of me?

When did that happen?

I mean the adult Eri whom I knew didn't care about these things at all! She was like the shameless air headed pervert who didn't really care how close we got.

I mean she probably never saw me as someone of the opposite gender and was never conscious of me.

But the same couldn't be said about me.

I had to go through so much agony because of her air headed nature. My patience had been pulled through the absolute limits. It was honestly a hell for me to resist that defenceless girl.

"But I guess she wasn't always like this after all." I whispered to myself.

The problem wit the adult Eri was that she trusted me way too much. On top of that she was a hero to begin with. A normal human like me couldn't possibly cause any harm to her in the first place.

But the Eri in front of me who was beat red wasn't the same!

"Oh wow, she really is conscious of me."

Before I knew it my lips had arched to a devilish smile.

Ah, so much had I waited for this day. A devil was sitting my shoulder and probably laughing his heart out.

I would be able to take my revenge on this girl all I want. The pain she had caused me I would return it several fold.

I almost chuckled thinking how lucky I was. But as always there was always something I didn't like about my good luck.

"Ha Ha Ha," I began laughing before I knew it.

Eri face fluffed up into a pout.

Ah, I am so much liking this. I can't believe I was thinking of not going to school today. How could I possibly be missing something like this?

"Noya... don't laugh. It isn't funny."

I chuckled again.

"Well it sure is. What do you know?"

I grabbed her hand again causing her eyes to budged wide taking notice of it.

"Wait, wait! What are you doing so suddenly."

"What? We are going to school together. We are childhood friends, aren't we? At least trust me a bit more."

"No, no we aren't even dating. We can't hold hands like this!" she cried in a shrill voice.

"Meh, its just hands. You ain't making babies," I chuckled. "You won't get pregnant from holding hands."

"What! How can you say something so shameless with a straight face?"

I shook my head.

"No, no. I am just saying facts. It is you who is having dirty thoughts in response to my words. Aren't you the pervert here?"

"I am not imagining anything!" she cried.

Smoke seemed to be rising out of her ears.

It seemed I went a bit too far. But...

Well I was sure that she wasn't, but I don't really have accept that, now do I?