Chapter 8


The next few months go by quickly. I attend my first two appointments with the obstetrician that Hayley recommended. Avery has been busy investigating a rash of robberies and has been complaining that there seems to be a rise in domestic violence calls. I have been busy at work as well with the recent increase in cat flu cases. In addition to the pregnancy, there appears to be another reason to celebrate…

Hayley arrives at my house, a nervous wreck. I had told her and Rick about the amazing evening that Avery and I had at Wayne's restaurant, and they decided to give it a try. Hayley apparently wants to look her best for their romantic dinner, and has brought over her entire closet, and is currently trying on multiple dresses for my help in determining the most elegant dress for the occasion. Hayley tells me that she usually dresses sexy to keep Rick's eyes on her, but tonight, she wants to look elegant so he will be proud to have her on his arm. We decide on a dark emerald green dress, with a baby doll top, but a skirt that flows elegantly down to just below her knees. She has shoes to match, a beautiful sash that drapes around her arms, and wears her hair in a sexy up-do with lots of curls. She really is a vision, and I can't help but smile. There is a knock on the door, and she looks over at me nervously. I answer the door to find Rick who looks stunning in his suit. It is all black, except for the white shirt and silver vest he wears under his jacket. Hayley squeals in delight, and he stares at her as she approaches him. "You look amazing, Hayley." Turning to me, "If you don't mind, I'm going to take her from you now." I give him a warm smile, thinking this is the most romantic thing he has ever done for her. In all the time she has been with him, he has never taken her to such a special place. I know she will certainly cherish tonight for as long as she lives.

Several hours later, I receive the call. Hayley is ecstatic, "You are never going to believe what happened! I'm engaged!"

"Oh my gosh, Hayley, that is wonderful news! Give me all the details!"

"We arrived at the restaurant, and it was so beautiful, Katie! We were taken to a private room, that was already set up with white roses in crystal vases. The table was set for two, with candles lit, and a bottle of champagne on ice." She is talking quickly, the excitement clear in her voice, and a little breathless, "He was such a gentleman, pulled the chair out for me and everything. The food was to die for, and I kept telling Rick how special I felt, and he told me I was worth it. It happened over dessert. Of course, you know me, I was quickly digging into the mouth-watering cheesecake, because it is my favorite, and when I looked across the table, Rick was no longer there. I looked around, and finally found him beside me, down on one knee. It was so romantic!"

"What did he say, how did he ask?" I wanted all the details.

"He grabbed my left hand, and looked up into my eyes, and he told me, 'Hayley, you are the most wonderful woman I have ever known. You have loved me when I didn't deserve to be loved. Will you marry me?' and he slipped the most beautiful pear-shaped diamond engagement ring onto my finger!"

"So, I am assuming you said yes?" I ask, giggling.

"Of course! I kept saying yes, as he lifted me up, spun me around, and kissed me. Oh my God, Katie, can you believe it?"

"I do, you deserve to be happy Hayley." I am so proud and happy for my friend, but I also feel a tinge of jealousy.


Katie and I have been spending more time with one another over the past few months. When I work the day shift, Katie and I enjoy dinner together, usually at Katie's since she is so exhausted between work and the pregnancy. When I work nights, I usually surprise her at the office with a quick visit before heading into work. I call her after her doctor's appointments for updates and have told her that anytime I am off and she would like me to go, I would be happy to accompany her to an appointment. She has been to my office, and met some of my coworkers, and although she has met Wayne, I have yet to introduce her to Troy, because he remains distant and elusive.

I am on my way home from working the day shift and get a call that a silent alarm has been triggered at a local jewelry store that is on my route home. Dispatch asks if I can drive by and check it out on my way home. Once I arrive, I see movement inside the building, immediately call for backup, and am advised to proceed with caution. I silently slip around the back side of the building where I notice the glass from the back door has been broken. I cautiously enter the store where I see two men clearing out the jewelry cases. They are wearing ski masks, gloves and dark clothing. I quietly position myself between them and their escape route. "Police! Put the items down slowly and place your hands behind your head," I announce sternly, my gun drawn in front of me. One of the two men turns and fires shots at me. I duck behind one of the walls in the hallway, and immediately notify dispatch that shots have been fired. I return gunfire and hit the gunman in the leg and watch as he goes down, dropping the gun, causing it to slide away from him. The second robber tries to run past me in the hallway, but I bring him down and cuff him just as backup arrives. One of the backup officers cuffs the gunman, and both robbers are loaded into the back of his patrol car. Every one of the officers on the scene tell me what a fine job I've done, but I am shaken, and all I can think about is getting to Katie. I pull up at her house and watch as she comes out the door to greet me. I can tell by the look on her face that she knows something is wrong. I watch as she opens her mouth to ask me what it is, but before she can form the words, I pull her into an embrace and kiss her. I claim her mouth with mine, gently at first, but then more aggressively as the adrenaline from earlier events is still coursing through me. I back her into the house, never taking my lips off hers, kicking the door closed behind me. I break from the kiss, moving my mouth to her ear, and as I brush my lips across the skin just below her ear I whisper, "This is all I have thought about on the way here, kissing you like this." I kiss her down the side of her neck, hearing a small gasp escape her. I devour her mouth again, then with my lips still touching hers, "Katie, I want you so bad right now." I sound breathless, as my fingers fumble with the buttons on her shirt. Once unbuttoned, I slowly slide her shirt off her shoulders, stopping halfway down her arms. I shower her shoulders and neck with light kisses before letting her shirt fall to the floor. I stop, searching her eyes for an indication that this is okay, finding them full of desire. "You do want this too?" I ask, almost pleading. The adrenaline from earlier has turned to full blown desire. I have never wanted someone so badly. Katie nods her head, and I lift her up against my body, her legs wrapping around my waist, and I carry her back to her bedroom. I can feel her heart beating wildly in her chest, as I place her on her feet in front of me. Our eyes meet, and I slowly unbutton my uniform shirt and remove it, followed by my vest and undershirt. She takes her fingers and traces the outline of the muscles in my chest and stomach. I tremble as I reach around her back, unhooking the clasp on her bra, sliding the straps down her arms slowly, watching as her bra falls away from her. Our eyes meet again, and I lower my mouth onto hers, as I run my fingers down her throat, between her breasts, down her stomach, and to the waist of her shorts, unfastening them, and pushing them down off her hips, taking her thong with it. I back her to her bed and remove my remaining clothes. She watches me, eagerness in her eyes. I begin kissing her again, lifting her and lowering her onto the bed. I kiss down her neck, taking one of her breasts with my hand, teasing the nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I kiss lower down her chest until my mouth finds her other nipple, and I tease it with my tongue, delighting in the way she arches her back and moans. I can't wait any longer, my cock is throbbing, I slowly position myself over her. I lift my head and look deep into her eyes, as I slowly enter her. She gasps and cringes at first, and I freeze, scared I have hurt her, drawing out of her. She wraps her legs around me tightly to stop me, lifting her pelvis to meet me, causing me to enter her again. Her face relaxes as we rock together in unison, clear the pain has turned to pleasure. I continue to kiss her passionately while the rhythm of our lovemaking increases. Her head tilts back, eyes close as she orgasms, with me following quickly behind her. I roll over, gathering her into my arms, holding her close to me. Once our breathing has slowed, I tell her about what happened at the jewelry store.

The morning came beaming in the bedroom window way too early for either of us. I made love to her a second time last night, slow and sensual, not as frantic as the first time. I couldn't stop looking into her eyes while kissing her, whispering against her lips, watching her reactions. I stretch, then roll over and face her. She is already awake and looking at me. I lean over and kiss her, "As much as I hate to, I have to go. I'm scheduled to work today." She nods at me, as I reluctantly get out of bed, gathering my clothes. I look over at her in the bed, smiling at me, nodding towards my crotch. I look down at my morning erection and grin, making no attempt to cover myself up, I strut over to the bathroom, giving her one last sly smile before closing the door.

I haven't been able to stop smiling or thinking about Katie since I left her house this morning. I have never felt this way before. I have certainly had girlfriends in the past, but never felt like I do now. My thoughts are interrupted by the incessant ringing of my cell phone. I look down at the caller ID and see that it's Wayne. "Officer Maulden", I announce, grinning from ear to ear, knowing he is going to hard time me as usual.

"Avery, can we talk?" Wayne sounds serious, and not at all in the playful mood I was expecting.

"Sure, bud," my voice etched in concern, "Where are you now?"

"At the casino," he answers flatly, "Are you coming?"

"On my way." I end the call, making the short drive to the strip where the casino is. It looks different during the day. The last time I saw this place, it was a busy Friday night, when I was out celebrating with the guys. I walk into the front lobby, and Wayne is sitting on one of the sofas waiting on me. He is usually very upbeat, the life of the party in our group; seeing him with the distraught look on his face right now is not normal. I approach him, with an eyebrow raised.

Sensing that I am questioning his mood, "I've been a bit stressed over the restaurant project and the delays we have been experiencing, but that isn't the main reason I wanted to talk. It's Troy. The first few times I tried to speak to him, he would walk away from me as quickly as possible. This last time, he started yelling at me. He told me he was tired of us acting like we were better than he is. When have we ever treated him that way?" I can hear the pain in his question, how deeply hurt he is by Troy's words.

"We've never treated him that way." I take the seat next to Wayne on the sofa.

"He also said that it wasn't fair. That we have done things that we didn't get in trouble for, but the one time he didn't do something, he got in trouble and has continued to pay dearly for it." Wayne looks over at me, his blue eyes full of despair. "I am worried that this restaurant project may be what breaks him."

"Remember the time that Troy got mad at you for sleeping with the girl he was crushing on back in high school?"

Nodding his head, "Thanks for bringing up the other time I shit on Troy, you asshole." I knew he was being sarcastic, giving me that go to hell look.

"My point is, that although he hated you at that moment, he forgave you. It took some time for him to realize it, but he did eventually acknowledge bros before hoes." With that, I laugh, remembering the old high school moto. "He realized your friendship meant more to him than to destroy it over a girl." Wayne smiles. "He will realize it now too. He is hurt, but he will realize that his issue is not with you, but with his father." With that, I stand up, Wayne rises to his feet to join me.

"Thanks man." He pulls me into a hug, slapping me on the back. "Guess I will see you later." He turns and heads back into the casino. I am beginning to get extremely concerned about Troy, I hope he comes around sooner rather than later.

I get a call from my supervisor that we got the search warrant to search the homes of the two men involved in the jewelry store robbery the night before. I had received a tip that they were the same men who have been committing the rash of break-ins. After searching each of the men's homes, we were able to recover most of the stolen items reported. I spend the remainder of my shift typing up the reports and notifying the victims of their recovered items. Unfortunately, the victims are not able to pick up their items until after they are inventoried, tagged and photographed for the trial. Once my shift is over, I find myself steering my car in the direction of Katie's house. I am filled with the overwhelming desire to feel her in my arms again. I can't wait to smell her scent or to taste her lips.