*Fourth* I have to choose between her or My Career and obviously What Matters to me the Most was My career..


I don't know if it was Right or wrong but whatever I did, I did for My Career.. it was also Mom and Dad's Fault to force me to Marry Nandini..

I Wanted to do MBA and open My own company and reached it to heights.. I have allots of dreams so how can I just sacrifice for just the sake of My so called marriage!!?

I have to choose between her or My Career and obviously What Matters to me the Most was My career..

I know Mom and dad must be angry and hurt.. but I know they won't be Angry much.. I'll monofie them when I'll achieve something and I'm sure they will be proud of me..

And about Nandini!?

I don't know what to say about her..

The marriage was too sudden and I was angry with mom and dad to not care about My opinion.. they just thought about Nandini's future..

But what about me!!?

Chuck it out!!

I'm just feeling guilty to leave home like this without informing Mom and dad.. they must be worried also for me..

I come back from My Thought when I heard Cab Driver's Voice , " Sir, We Reached.. ", I looked out and realised I reached in front of My Rented House.. thanking him and paying the cab rent I Walked towards My House's Door.. I ring the Doorbell and heard the footsteps of someone approaching from behind the door..

And when Door got open, I found a boy of My age Wearing just vest and Shorts.. his hairs are messed up.. his shoulders quite well maintained and he's little bit chubby from his Cheeks..

He frowned looking at me with his tired eyes, I think he must be going to sleep..

" Umm.. Hey.. I'm Manik Malhotra.. Remember Yesterday we had a talk about PG!!? ", I asked and he smiled..

" Ohh yeah.. Come in.. ", he said with a smile and walk inside, I followed him after latching the door..

He tour Me to the House first..

It's well furnished appartment and I can see 2 Room Directly infront of me while another room at the left side.. while on right it was a kitchen and just Outside the kitchen a Dinning table is neatly set.. and few feets away there was living Room..

1st Room from the 2 in front of me..

Beside it was another Room..

The Kitchen on the Right side with dinning table and the living room few Feets.. away..

And which I didn't notice till now was the stairs just near the Front door.. maybe it leads to Terrace!!

After showing me the house, lower part of the house he looked at me and asked, " I hope you liked it!? ".

I nodded my head , " yeah.. it's superb.. ", I said admiring everything even the wall in the living room area which is filled with family photos.. and I guess it's only him and his mother lives in this home as I also noticed a frame which is hanged top of the wall with garland.. Might be his Father!?

" Okay.. come let me show you your room.. and take rest.. I know you might be Tired.. ", He said and started to walk towards the Room.. we reached to the Room.. and it was simply Elegant just the way I like..

" Thank you.. Mr? ", I Frowned as how stupid I'm I didn't asked his name yet!!

" My name is Cabir Dhawan.. Call me Cabir only.. ", He said..

Again he added with puppy face, " And please if you ever made girlfriend na and Suddenly you guyz broke up then hitched her with me.. ", I gaped at him.

" I don't wanna come in Relationship.. ", I said and walked towards bed and keeping the suitcase on it , I opened it and started to unpack it..

While he just Jump on the other side of the bed, " Why!? ", He asked grabbing the chips packet from the side drawer..

I didn't answered just Shrugged My shoulder..

I felt his keen gaze on me and then his eyes Widened, " Don't tell me that You are A Gay!?? ", He asked dramatically hiding his chest with his arms as if protecting himself..

My jaw dropped hearing him, " What! No.... ", I shouted..

" Jezzzz.... Come down Mr. Hulk.. I can hear even with your normal voice.. you don't have to shout.. what if with intensity of your Voice my ears started to bleed!!? ", He widened his eyes horrifyingly..

I huffed and rolled My eyes on his Acting..

" Ok.. ok.. So friends? ", He asked forwarding his hand , standing infront of all of sudden making me jerk on my place , with Excited Grin on his face..

I chuckled and joined out hand, Shaking my hand with him, " Yeah.. gladly.. ", I Accepted..

" So, tell me about yourself.. ", He asked again jumping back on the bed..

" Nothing much.. I have My parents.. who's right now in Mangalore.. and I'm here to Study as I got seat in London Harvard University.. ", I replied setting my clothes in cupboard..

" Hey.. What is this!!? ", Cabir asked as he picked up My lucky locket.. I always kept it with me since my 15th Birthday.. Mom has Given me this long back.. I keep it with me but as it's Huk got little bended When I was hurrying to leave the house.. I can't even just let it be like this , will surely give it to amend it.. since the day it's Given to me It has proven a lucky Charm locket for me.. obviously, it has My mom's blessings in it..

I Sighed when Mom's Thought crossed My Mind..

I Missed You Mom..

" It's my Lucky charm pendent.. Mom gifted it to me on my 15th Birthday.. I'm already missing her.. ", I said Sighing Sadly..

" Ayeeee.. please don't flow your ganga Jamuna here ok!? ", Cabir said making faces.. I know he just wanted to cheer me up..

I chuckled and he also Smile..

" Ok.. "

" So, My friends will be here anytime.. it's already 9 pm.. you know they went for kuchi ku movie with their girlfriends.. ", He said with a sad pout..

I laughed, " it's okay Cabir.. well let me tell you there is nothing special to be with someone in relationship.. it's just waste of time.. it's My opinion.. I'm really not forcing you.. but surely will tell you that you should firstly concentrate on your Career.. ", I said My beliefs and thoughts..

Shaking his head , he looked at me with Disbelief look, " Manik.. you know.. My mom and Dad and Dad's Brother and his his wife had a Love marriage but it didn't effect My Mom career Nor My dad's Career.. My dad was the International Market's Best Analyst and My Mom is the best doctor of the London.. now tell me does their marriage and love Effect their career!!? ", Cabir asked and left after patting My Shoulder..

I slumped on the bed in deep thought..

Was My thoughts on Relationship was always wrong!!?

Was I at fault To Leave NANDINI After our Marriage!!?

Meraa dil kaa andhera huwa aur ghanera

Kuchh samajh naa pau, kya hona hain meraa

Khada do rahe par, yeh sochu ghabhra kar

Khada do rahe par, yeh sochu ghabhra kar

Jau kaha mai jau kaha

Uljhan sulajhe naa rasta sujhe naa

Jau kaha mai jau kaha
