*EIGHT* how's My naughty buddies!?

I turn to choco bhaiya and asked, " how's My naughty buddies!? ", Excitement was clearly shown in My voice..

He looked at me and pulled my nose lovingly saying, " they are fine.. and tease someone Allot.. and I think they hate Him Allot.. ", he gives me Mischievous smile..

I Frowned hearing him.. My Buddies can never hate someone then how can Choco Bhaiya says that!!?

While Choco Bhaiya Sings, " Main teri dushman dushman tu mera.. Main Doggy Tu Manushya.. ( I'm Your enemy and You're my enemy.. I am a dog and you are a man .. ) "


I giggled as soon as I entered and My buddies jump on me making me squeal as I fall down while the 3 of them was on me where as the 4rth one who is the biggest one from rest was Snuggling his nose with my cheek Lovingly making me giggle more..

" Aww.. My babies.. how are you!? ", I asked as I hugged the trio while I creased giant's fur from near his chest..

" They missed you Allot Bunny.. ", Choco Bhaiyu said while creasing my hair.. I saw his eyes were wet which he's trying not to cry.. he knows I don't like him crying.. he missed me allot.. I know.. his love for me always makes me feel special..

" I missed you and them also.. ", I pouted making him chuckle.. he help me to stand while the 4 of them stood on the each side of me.. as if shielding me from someone!?



Who will be here!?

You are thinking allot Nandini!!

I shurgged My shoulder and walked inside followed by Mom and dad while my buddies was still walking the same way they were..

I Frowned and looked at Choco Bhaiyu, " Why they are behaving all Possessive!? ", I asked making Choco laugh..

" They are protecting you from their

' Dushman '.. ", He replied air Quoting the Word " Dushman ".

I was still confused, so Bhaiyu Explained, " Actually, My Best Friend live with me.. and since the day your buddies meet him.. they are hating him.. don't know why!!? ", He Sighed at last..

" Ohh! But what that poor person did that My buddies are hating him!? ", I narrowed My eyes as I know without any reason My buddies will never hate someone.. they will hate the person only if that person did something bad to ME..

But I never meet the person then how can they hate HIM!!?

I then shrugged my shoulder and walked inside.. towards upstairs where I have My BEDROOM.. while My 4 buddies followed me as their room is just beside me..

I was so tired that hugging My 3 buddies , I fall into deep slumber..

At 8 Am, My sleep broke as mom entered my room.. she chuckled seeing the 3 of my buddies totally snuggling to me.. I smiled at them..

They are seriously love!!

" Bacha.. come on get up.. ", Mom said creasing My hair as she took seat beside me..

I hugged her and wished lazily, " Good morning.. ", she wishes me back , keeping her hand on My cheek which I rested on her shoulder..

" Okay now come get up.. fresh n up and then you also have have your office.. ", I nodded My head and then hurriedly walk towards My wardrobe..

Suddenly, I remembered - " Mom, Where is Giant!? ", I asked my big Buddy..

" Ohh. Giant is Sleeping outside on your door step only.. I myself very carefully cone inside.. ", Mom sighed and I frowned..

What the Bowled Potato!!

What is actually going on here!!?
