Stalking her right in her house (2).

Coming out of the room, Leonard glanced left and right, where has Eva gone to? She could just pop out of nowhere any moment, so he's got to be extra careful. He began sauntering, then he heard sound, seems like it came from the kitchen. Well, that's his next destination, she'll be most likely there.

He strolled to the tiled passage and began walking across it, that's where the kitchen was situated. Arriving very close to the kitchen, he peeped to see if Eva was inside or the sound was trying to mess with him. And there Eva was looking so elegant and sexy as ever, glancing at her backside and figure 8, Leonard thought,

'She keeps getting sexier and beautiful everyday'.

She was wearing a very short gown that wasn't even reaching her knees. The gown wasn't tight and it was a bit transparent. From the look of things, it was just a casual gown she does wear to stay at home. You know, Leonard didn't even regret staring at her sexy dark figure while she was bathing in the bathroom.

From what Leonard understood, she was trying to prepare dinner. She was putting ingredients into a pot that was on an electric stove, and though she hadn't even started the second phase of the cooking, Leonard could perceive nice aroma coming from the pot. He licked his mouth 'cause of what he just perceived, what! why was he licking his mouth? Is this what he came here for? He quickly adjusted himself and began thinking of his strategy.

Now that he was in her house, first of all, he'll have to make sure she doesn't catch him. Secondly, you know the normal stuff, listen to her every conversation whether she was talking to herself or talking to someone on the phone. He was even determined to peep into her phone if she starts operating it. All these with one aim in mind, to discover the type of men she likes.

He still stood close to the kitchen peeking at her, his attention mainly focused on her ass. She couldn't see him 'cause she was backing him and was focused on what she was cooking. According to what Leonard was seeing, she was preparing boiled potatoes and stew. She had already sliced the potatoes ahead of time, so she just washed them and fixed them into a pot that was boiling with water.

And the nice aroma he was perceiving was the stew she was preparing. Those ingredients she was putting into a pot were ingredients for stew. So at this point, the potatoes were boiling and the stew was almost done. After some minutes of standing there, she put off the electric stove 'cause the stew had done already. Now, it was remaining the potatoes, a few minutes more, and they'll all done.

She decided to go wait in the parlor for some minutes while waiting for the potatoes to done, and Leonard sensed it immediately. Before she even turned around, Leonard had run out of the passage already, but he did so gently to not make any sound. He ran straight to the door of her room, opened it, and entered it. But this time, he didn't hide under her bed, he hid at the back of the cupboard in her room. The cupboard wasn't that tall, so he bent.

Staying there for some minutes, Eva didn't enter the room, so he became sure that she wasn't coming in, this wasn't her destination when she left the kitchen. Staying there for some minutes more, he decided to come out, she'll most likely be eating by now...the potatoes must have done. He came out of the room and strolled over to the parlor, and there she was eating.

There was a mini dining table at the side of her parlor, but she wasn't making use of it to eat. Seems like she was like him, since he got transported into the apartment he was residing in currently, he's never made use of the dining table and the chairs around it to eat. Instead, she sat on one of the sofas in the parlor and placed her food on the table in the middle of the parlor and was enjoying her delicious meal...she moved the table closer to her though.

Leonard peeked at her as she ate, she was even looking beautiful as she ate, she was eating in such a classy manner. He stood there for minutes watching her eat, he didn't take it as punishment, he took it as a what!. After some minutes more, Eva was done eating. The plates she used in eating were on top of a tray pan, so she stood up from the sofa carrying the tray along with the plates...her destination was the kitchen.

Leonard had sensed that that's what she was about to do, so he had evacuated that place ahead of time...he was very cautious. He ran straight to her room and hid at the side of that cupboard once again. Staying there for some minutes, he decided to come out, he's sure that Eva had gone back to the parlor.

He sauntered over to the door, opened it gently, and stepped out. He strolled over to the parlor, and just as his instinct told him, Eva was in the parlor. And you know what? She had put on the television. She recently just put it on, when he saw her, she was sauntering back to the couch to sit down after putting on the TV. A TV show was being displayed on the screen of the television, and there was a smile on Eva's face as she watched...the TV show was one of her favorites.

Leonard didn't even know if he should be watching the show or he should be staring at Eva...the smile on her face made her prettier. He had already discerned that she loved the show 'cause of the smile on her face. Like, for someone to be smiling this broadly 'cause of what she was watching on the TV, then the person must love what she was watching.

He really enjoyed looking at her face 'cause of the smile on it, but he was unsatisfied. Glancing at her pretty face wouldn't save him and preserve his life. What was gonna save him was when he'll kiss that pretty face of hers and bang her, yeah, that's what will preserve his life. And he hadn't even started accomplishing what he came here for, but he planned to.

Eva sat on that couch with her gaze focused on the TV screen, she was so immersed in it. And Leonard stood on that spot peeking at her. Minutes passed, and before Eva knew it, the show ended, today's episode had's been displayed episode by episode. There was a certain type of expression on Eva's face after the show ended, like a bit of gloomy expression...that's how much she loved the show.

Not long after the climax of the show, another program came up on the TV. Eva sat on that couch with her gaze still focused on the TV screen, she wanted to discern if the program would be interesting. But after sitting on the couch for some minutes watching the program, she stood up from the sofa, strolled to the television, and put it off, the program wasn't interesting to her.

She could have easily changed the channel if the program wasn't interesting, but she wasn't interested in watching TV anymore, she wanted to operate her phone...she felt like pinging. She took her android phone that was on the same couch she was sitting on and began operating it. Now, that sparked Leonard's interest.

You know, part of his plan was to peek at Eva's phone when she's started operating it, and he was gonna execute that right now. He planned on crawling to the back of the sofa where she was sitting on, then he'll raise his head and start peeping at the screen of her phone. But as he was about to implement that, her phone rang, and he kept his standing immediately.

She answered the phone call, and she started speaking with someone on the phone. He could only hear what Eva was saying, and this is what the conversation sounded like,

"Oh! Mum, how are you doing?".

"Am doing well, mum, what of dad? How is he doing? OK, he's doing well, that's so pleasing to hear. I'm spending the money he sent to me lavishly. OK mum, we'll talk later".

Then the phone conversation ended, once again, Leonard gained nothing. But it wasn't over yet, Eva's phone rang again, and seeing her mum as the caller, she picked it up immediately. The first sentence that flowed out of Eva's mouth after she answered the phone made Leonard's heart beat a little,

"Hello mum, what is it aga...oh! you wanna speak with me about my relationship status?".