A little discussion with John.

Leonard did nothing but work throughout his remaining time in the company, fortunately, there was also a man on the last floor that was also working overtime. He made sure to finish the other job that was handed to him though he almost lost his mind. You know that feeling when you keep forcing yourself to work even when your body says otherwise? that's how it was for Leonard.

But at least, he knew he was done with one, tomorrow, he'll start handling the one that had more workload in it. Once again, we know why he is doing this, he needed to collect his pay on time and accomplish his first quest. He didn't want to die, you know, it was remaining less than two weeks before his quest would expire. Apart from that, he needed to purchase a phone, buy some more foodstuff, and the rest of other stuff.

He stood up from his desk, it's time to start going home. It was complete evening already getting close to nighttime. As he strolled over to the staircase and began descending from it, he thought of Rita. He thought about the money she planned on giving him tomorrow, hope she wasn't pulling his legs, hope she would keep to her promise. He had given her what she wanted, so if she doesn't give him the money as promised, he wouldn't take it lightly with her.

The amount of money would decide if he could do something valuable with it. You know? Maybe he could use the money to get himself a phone, or he could even use it to complete his quest. Then he thought about the weekly bonuses the employees of this company do receive, he would also get his share of it...he could also use it to do something valuable.

He reached the last floor, and that man that was also working overtime was still there, he was gonna leave here really late. Leonard knew that there was a man on the last floor that was also working overtime, he was told. But he didn't know that the man was still there, he thought he would have left by now. But here the young man was still working. Leonard uttered to him,

"You haven't left yet, man? Seems like you've got a lot to do".

"Yeah, a whole lot. I'll be leaving here in the next one hour. Go on, man". The man stated.

Leonard just nodded his head and walked away. He strolled out of the company, and before he knew it, he was already strolling on the Crimson Alley. With some minutes trekking, he was out of the Crimson Alley, he was already on another boulevard. He journeyed and journeyed, and now, he was getting close to his apartment...not that close though.

Then he sighted someone familiar, he was just seeing the person's back, but he knew who it was...it was John. Yeah, the blonde hair, the body shape, the walking steps, and so on confirmed it all, it was John...he was sure. And from the look of things, seems like he was coming back from work. He was carrying a backpack, he held it on his right shoulder, he didn't back it completely. Surely, Leonard wanted to speak with him, so he ran over to him and tapped him on his left shoulder.

John stopped and turned around to see who tapped him on his shoulder, and his gaze landed on Leonard, he recognized him immediately. He smiled and voiced out,

"Leonard, my man, how have you been?". He shook hands with him while asking that.

"I'm good, you?". Leonard responded throwing back a similar question at him.

"I'm good".

"You coming back from work, right?". Leonard inquired of him once again.

"Yeah, you coming back from work too, right?".

"Yeah, just recently got a job at a certain construction company, wasn't aware that I needed to work to earn money...I thought my system would provide that for me too".

John laughed a little and said, "Yeah, that was my thought also until my system informed me that I needed to work to earn money...I was in serious need of money at that time".

Leonard just nodded his head before throwing another question at him, "So, where do you work?".

"I work in a company that is into everything under web designing and graphics designing, they do theirs largely, it's a big company. I easily got a job there 'cause I've got the experience of graphics and web designing even when I was in Earth 1. The company I used to work for in Earth 1 does lots of stuff related to graphics and web designing".

"Oh, that's cool. The pay is good?".

"Yeah, I heard you say something like you work in a construction company?". John asked.

"Yeah, it's called, 'Q and R construction company'. Just like you, I started realizing the need for money on this earth, so I asked the system for money, but she told me that I needed to work to earn money. You know, I've got almost no work experience on our previous earth 'cause I wasted most of the time gambling. So the system taught me all I needed to know regarding a construction company, and that's how I got the job". Leonard explained.

"Ohh, understood", John stated, then he walked closer to Leonard and inquired of him in a low tone of voice, "So, what of your first quest? Have you accomplished it?".

"Let's find somewhere to sit and talk about that, standing here and discussing doesn't seem that appropriate". Leonard said.

With that, both of them began sauntering searching for a chair they were gonna sit on along the street. After about two minutes and some seconds of searching, they found one, and they made themselves comfortable on it. After sitting down, John threw back the question at Leonard,

"So, tell me, have you accomplished your first quest? Did you apply what I told you about finding the type of men she likes?".

Leonard then remembered that he wanted to ask John how he did his, how he found out the type of men his first quest likes. He attempted to, but he didn't find him at home twice 'cause of his work. But he's already found out the type of men Eva likes, so he decided not to ask him.

"I haven't accomplished my first quest yet, but I've already found out the type of men she likes, and I'm working towards it already". Leonard retorted.


"Yeah. But to implement what I discovered about her to make her fall for me, I'll need money...this is one of the things I need money for. This is one of the reasons why I'm currently working in that construction company".


"So, what of you? Have you accomplished your second quest?". Leonard inquired.

"No, but I'm close to, and I'm sure that I'll accomplish it". John responded.

"OK. What of your first quest? How are things going for you and her? How well are you playing her? I saw how you were banging her before I left your house that day...the day we met".

John laughed a little before retorting, "That's what she wanted, she wanted some banging, and I banged her. And we are doing well, I'm playing her well, she doesn't have a single idea that I'm already making my moves on another girl. And she mustn't, if she does, I'll die".

"You'll die?". Leonard inquired with a bewildered facial expression.

"Yeah, I'll die. Haven't your system informed you yet, maybe 'cause you haven't accomplished your first quest yet. After accomplishing your first quest, and you start making your moves on the other girl that was assigned to you, you must make sure the first girl doesn't find out, if she does...you'll die. And that's how it keeps going, even after accomplishing five quests, you must play five of them without them finding out about themselves, if they do...I've already told you what would happen".

"What! My system hasn't told me this yet".

"That's 'cause you haven't accomplished your first quest, she'll most likely tell you once you've accomplished it".

"Okay. John, I might need your help on something later". Leonard uttered.

"Sure, anytime, we are on the same race. Why don't you give me your phone number so we'll be able to communicate with each other easily". John stated.

"I'll love to, but I don't have a phone currently, haven't gotten one 'cause I don't have money. I'll buy one soon once I have enough money".

"OK then". John uttered as the both of them stood up from the chair and shook hands, "We'll meet again".

Before they parted ways, John said to Leonard, "Make sure not to die, bro".