Implementing his first agenda.

The moment She Lord left, Leonard balanced on one of the couches in the parlor with his right hand on his head. He couldn't help but think about the fact that he was given a mini-celebrity to seduce, did the system and her accomplices want him dead? Like, how could he seduce someone that was in the sporting industry? Definitely, she would have high standards for the type of men she'll like to mingle with.

He scattered his hair with his right hand, thinking about his second quest was making him a little frustrated. Even before he got his next quest, he already had the feeling that it would be hard, and here it hard as he thought. But who knows, that Stella of a girl might be an easy-going person. Even though she was a mini-celebrity, maybe she was easygoing, maybe it wouldn't be that hard to start and hold a conversation with her.