Chapter Five

Chapter five: the funfair.

A few minutes later

The two girls were already dressed up for the funfair.

Ella was dressed in a black loose-fitting spaghetti tank top which was paired with blue jeans trousers, She had a white Canvas on her feet, a golden chain around her neck and finally, she had a black flower-designed bag strapped on her back, it contained the random things they'll need at the funfair like, Some pens, a notebook, some colored scarfs and so on.

Steve, on the other hand, wore a loosely fitting orange tank top which was paired with A blue shorts, she had a diamond chain around her neck, brown sandals on her feet, and a cute brown Mickey mouse handbag on her strapped on her shoulders.

They both had their hair tied in a bun and they were ready to go.


Ella's POV.

Walking towards the fairground was a thrill in itself_ The one that grew with every step. The night was cool but dry, it was perfect for a great night out! The fair wouldn't be visible until we turned the final corner but already our expectations and the sheer suspense of it all were building to a peak. Sounds were already beginning to our through the air, " Boom! Boom! Boom! and laser lights were lighting up the clouds making them seem somehow unearthly and weird. We were going to have the time of our lives.

Then we arrived. The first thing we saw, because it was so huge, was the big wheel. The blurb had billed it as the biggest outside of London and wow was it big! It shone like a circle of diamonds in the sky, spangled, bright and vivid. Surely London Eye can't be bigger than this? How can they transport something that huge on the back of a lorry?

The next thing that hit us was a gloriously warm smell unique to funfairs: a mingling of frying hot dogs, burgers, fried onions, candyfloss, toffee apples, and diesel Fumes! This was a delight for the senses: lights, sounds, Smells, the thought of tastes to come ....even the very air felt electric as if it was alive and urging us to take part. And take part we were going to do! As we looked to our left we saw the scariest ride we'd ever seen, " Hell's Door " it was called. We're in for it!

As we strapped into our seats both me and Steve, the already electric air became alive with yet more feelings. As the safety restraint descended over our shoulders we felt safe ---- if safe was the right word for this ride! With a jolt our necks were tossed backward and off we went, twisting, turning, lights flashing like the vast strobes of a pop concert, rock music gushing out of the giant speakers, first right way round then upside down. This was living to the full. This was " Hell's Door ".

And this was just the beginning of a night to remember for Steve and me.

After we descended from the Ride we went over to one of the shops there and both some ice cream and Chips.

We both had Chocolate flavor as it was our favorite.

" Wow! I never imagined that the ride could be so fun and Scary at the same time. " Steve commented.

" Same here, though I have been to a funfair before I didn't ride the wheel. "

" Oh, then this will be the first time for both of us then, kay? "

" Of course, besides the last time I attended a funfair, it wasn't this enjoyable. "

" Hm, I once heard a saying that lovers who Kiss at the topmost height of the ferry Wheel will be together forever. "

" Oh, I haven't heard that before, I think I'll add the scene to my ongoing book, A CRUSH. "

" Haha! You never cease to amaze me, though I am still wondering how Adriana and Simeon will end up together after the failed confession. "

" We'll see! " I replied grinning.

We continued talking about random stuff but we were interrupted when two Teen girls approached us.

" Hey, girls! " They greeted.

" Hi. " We replied.

" Hm, we are sorry to disturb you guys but we just want to confirm something. "

" What could that be if I may ask? " Steve replied.

"We think we recognize you. " The girl with the pink hair said as she pointed at me.

" oh, from where? Because if you ask me I would say that I haven't seen any of you guys before. "

" Well, we are your fans. "

" Fans? For what? "

"We are fans of your writing, we usually read your books and we fell so much in love with it that we started following your Instagram account and there we saw a single picture of you two. "

" Oh, so which of my books have you read? " I asked.

" We've read almost all your books, A CRUSH, Royal Alpha, My Beloved, Tainted, Depressed, love in the air, and so on. "

" Hm, one more question, I hope you don't mind, I just need to confirm if you are my fan or not. "

" No problem. "

" What's my Pen name and why did I choose it as my pen name? "

" Oh, that's easy, Your Pen name is Stelva@16. You chose the name because it's a combination of your and your best friend's name as you claimed that she's the brain behind your Amazing Writing style. " She replied effortlessly.

After she was done, I was shocked, I turned to face Steve and the latter gave me a proud smile in return.

" Wow! You guys are my loyal Fans! "

" Of course we are! We are not only loyal Fans but proud ones! "

" I admire you because at a very young age of Sixteen you are already rocking the writing industry with your amazing creation! " The other commented.

" Aww, thank you. "

" My pleasure, btw, what will happen to Adriana and Simeon now? Are they still going to get together after all that happened? " The girl with the pink hair asked

" Well, to tell you that the truth, even I don't know. " I replied truthfully.

" How is that possible? You are the writer of the book so of course, you should know, alright? "

" Hm, but I guess that you guys will have to wait to find out. " I replied with a wink.

" Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. "

" Yeah. "

" Am sorry about that, I am Lyla Denim and this is my Twin Sister Ryla Denim " She said.

" Oh my! So you guys are twins! I didn't even know! I just thought that you guys are siblings since you look alike. "

" Hm. "

" Btw, I am Stella Ellison and this is my best friend Steve Davis. " I replied.

" Oh, Wow! So are you guys citizens of this country? " They asked.

" No, We are from Paris, What about you guys? "

" We are citizens of this country. "

" Okay, why don't you join us on our tour? "

" We'll be honored to. " They replied happily

" Perfect! " I cheered.

We then continued our Tour.

We joined in the color game and by the end of it, our clothes were having different shades of Color, it was very fun.

Then we decided to visit the haunted house!

From the entrance of the house, we could already feel goosebumps on our skin.

I always heard about the haunted house from the novels I read but I never saw or entered one before.

As soon as we got in.

We saw several ' human body parts ' like the bones, Skeletons, and skulls.

Surprisingly I wasn't scared of all of this and I noticed that Steve wasn't too, perhaps it's because we had seen this stuffs many times in the biology lab so it wasn't new.

As we proceeded into the dark building.

A ' Ghost ' suddenly appeared in front of us and we screamed in fright.

As if not hearing our scream, several ' Ghosts ' appeared and started pulling us.

While we were terrified, I caught sight of a couple who were kissing Passionately it was as if they didn't realize their surrounding.

' How can they be kissing this passionately in a Place like this? ' I thought.

Though I was well aware that all this we were seeing was fake but still... I couldn't help it.

By the time we came out of the haunted house, I noticed that all our faces were already pale.

I think this took a toll on us.

We headed to the refreshment store where we bought some chilled drinks to calm our nerves.

Soon, we were back to normal and Continued our tour without any hurdles.