To the Past 2/2

"What are you?" I screamed as I tumbled backwards.

'Ddraig what the hell is she? What are those wings?'

'I'm sorry Elsha, I simply don't know, the only way you can survive is if you give up your humanity and become a Dragon, I c-'

'Telepathy is rude dearies, we should talk like normal beings no?'

A female voice interrupted the Dragon, how did she get into my mind?

"Some of my blood got into your system, a big mistake, you are already in checkmate, the question is, do I kill you or make you my eternal servant?"

The Woman slowly made her way towards me a daft smile covered her face,


Ddraig shouts as my body is covered in a familiar glow, now we are at 4x my normal power, enough to fight a satan class devil, I can only boost once more before my body struggles to cope with the power.

Leaping at the woman, I go to strike her head but her wing moved faster than me and blocked the strike with ease while the right simultaneously slammed into my side, throwing me across the cavern.

The woman giggled as I landed, "You beat my other form up quite badly, she is still a little green with extreme battles while you are not, it seems, however, you are not as strong as either of us thought, try again?"

'Ddraig I'm going to use the Juggernaut drive.'

"Sounds interesting"

The woman said as she stood still waiting for me to act, the gauntlet on my hand started to glow green, the power began to rise as my arm shook, it was always hard controlling the beam of pure energy, I hope she doesn't dodge.

"I won't"

The woman says with a smirk, I should have tried diplomacy first, Ddraig always said I was a little rash.

"Well my other form is a little rash too, she sees loot and goes crazy, that's what I like about her thought, well that and she finds me good fights..."

The woman chuckles to herself as Ddraig asks, 'One more than Drive?'

Catching my breath, I snarl "One more."


Five is the most I have boosted, not for a lack of want but from understanding the limits of a Human body, I could do more but doing so would require me to sacrifice more of my body to Ddraig, right now the only draconic part of my body is my right arm.

Which I put all of my growing power into as I fling myself at speeds my body can barely handle at the woman, my right-hand inches away from making contact with her when she suddenly raises her left hand and catches the blow, it forces her back a few steps while the recoil shatters my hand.

'The adrenaline is keeping the pain back for now but if I don't do anything I'm dead here, Ddraig, how badly with the Juggernaut Drive mess up my body?'

'Badly, you may not walk away from using it unless you sacrifice more of your body.'

I simply shook my head, 'Not going to happen.'

I can feel my body barely holding back an invading force, I think she has infected me switch some sort of poison.

"It's not a poison as such more my blood than anything else, it has poisonous effects on mortals at first but soon you will come to enjoy it."

My body shudders, a bright green light conceals my left arm as it begins to shake, taking a deep breath I steadily lift it up, pain has started to overwhelm the adrenaline as my nerves begin to scream at me to stop, I can't though, this is my only shot.

My legs give up underneath me as I stagger forwards, the beam successfully leaves my arm, I can feel a small smile cross my face as I hear the sound of a body impacting with the floor. Using what little strength I have left, I lift myself up, carefully avoiding using my broken right arm as I look over at the woman.

There is a giant hole where her stomach should be, a small laugh escapes my lips as I fall to my knees, "I did it"

I shout, the woman's blood poling around me as I kneel, "I survived, I defeated whatever the hell she was, I had no idea the Dragon hunter had Hunters that strong."

;They don't' Ddraig said,'I don't know what she was but she was no Dragon Hunter, you should have pieced that together by now, you will be out of action for-"


My body begins to shake as shrill laughter comes form the disembowelled woman, "My other for would call this something like 'The blight blast' or something similarly cringey but I told you, my blood is my strongest weapon."

I froze as I looked down and saw the pooled blood underneath me begin to rapidly bubble and foam, it bubbled around my legs before it started to engulf me, slowly eating away at my legs, I slipped forwards as I tried to strike the bubbles with lift hand.


As soon as I made contact with the bubble it exploded, the blood covered my body as it rapidly ate away at my armour, desperately trying to get into my body, as I lay there I muttered: "At least I died fighting."

"You will serve me not die, my other form likes you quite a lot for some reason. I and my other form will vanish for a time, not sure how long for but when I return I expect you to have infected others with the taint that now pumps through your body, that dragon of yours is gone, you better find your own strength, do not disappoint your queen."

End of chapter

Elsha Vs Mortem:

Elsha is meant to be the second strongest wielder of the boosted gear so I have actually reduced the amount she can boost. Think it of the reverse of Issei, while Issei needs to be boosted constantly to get near the power of others, Elsha is above the pinnacle of humanity without boosts. So her boosting to high without a full draconic body would rip her apart realistically. with 5 boosts, I place her at late-High Satan rank, higher than the low Satan-ranked Teri but weaker than 'Mortem'.

What is Mortem?

It should be obvious as to what faction she would have belonged to in the Dragon age universe however she is far stronger than any Darkspawn or Arch-demon before her, there are reasons for this, this is why she was also left behind in the tainted Golden City.

Alternative titles Blighted Bitch Blast, How to dominate your dragon...