
"How long has it been? Oh yeah, like freaking half an hour." I mumbled to myself sitting on a swing in some random park I found. The clothes I bought were already in my inventory. After I killed that lady so they would quiet down, I left quickly not wanting to deal with any police.

I wasn't going to kill her but she made me upset, even worse she made them upset. I knew they would have nagged me for a long time if I didn't kill her, and I didn't want to deal with that. They can get very annoying sometimes.

In a split second, the boy from before appeared. He was also sitting on the swing next to me.

(Was it not her fault, and did you not also want to kill her)

"Yes but I just got here. I can't be doing this kind of stuff right now."

(Why not, you can do whatever you want)

"No, I can't–"

(Why? Are you saying you are weak)

(Only those who are weak need to be cautious of others)

(Are you weak, Jinx)

"I'm not weak!!" I jumped off the sing stomping away from it. The park was very empty, and I mean there was no one other than me. I didn't know why but didn't care. I went over to a bench near a small poodle of water in front of it.

I sat there hugging my knees with one arm while my other hand ran through my hair. I'm not weak. Yeah. I'm not, I can do whatever I want. And I'll only get stronger with the system thing. Yeah, I'll get stronger and show the world just how strong I really am. But first, I need money.

How do I get that?

Money has hardly ever been a problem for me. I deadpanned letting my legs go. My feet planted firmly on the dirt. A sigh escapes my lips. Ever since the incident, he would give me as much money for my projects as I needed. Well, he didn't trust me with money so he would just get me what I needed.

I can be trusted with money. I may not know how to use it very efficiently, or save it, or invest it, or–okay, maybe I'm not the best when it comes to using money, but I can learn. Plus you don't need to worry about money when you have a shit ton of it, right?

Should I rod a bank or something? No, too much work and too many things could go wrong. I could take up a job to assassinate people, that would pay a lot. No. Should I become a drug dealer, I kinda need money to start that so no.

I could go and find a normal job and work like everyone else. I snickered shaking my head. Definitely fucking not. I need to find a way to make lots of money fast, but how–.

"Excuse me, lady?"

"Huh?" I mumbled raising my head. When I did I saw a little girl standing in front of me. She was pretty short, looked to be a bit over four feet but not by that much. She had black hair with dark purple eyes. I blinked, I didn't even notice her, granted I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings but still.

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked.

"Well, I just wanted someone to talk to! You are like me, right! You hear voices too?!"

Eh? I froze for a bit and just kept on looking at her. She didn't speak seemingly waiting for me to do something. I wondered what she meant by that. She hears voices too?

(Yes. That's what she said)

Shut the fuck up! Go back to sleep, smart ass. I was just assessing the information and going through it, that's it. No need to make smart comments.

"And, what makes you think I hair voices?"

"U-Uh, well I heard you talking to yourself like how I do sometimes. I didn't want to interrupt you so I stayed quiet until you seem to of stopped talking to them. So, can I talk to you?"

I hummed shrugging my shouldering my shoulders. She smiled and hopped onto the bench shuffling next to me. I took out some cotton candy and gave it to her. Her eyes sparkled causing me to smile a tiny bit. She was cute, I'm not crazy enough to hate cute children.

She took it and took a piece before eating it and I did the same. I was a bit course why she didn't ask me where it came from but yeah, works fire me.

"Hey lady, what's your name? Mine is Lila!"

That's not a Japanese name, did her parents give her a German name? Well, I think that's a German name. Not one hundred percent sure though. But I guess it's probably not uncommon to give your child a name from a different language or heritage.

"My name's Jinx."

"Wow! You have a cool name, you so lucky! Your parents must be really cool to of given you that name!"

"O-Oh. Yeah, I guess you're probably right." I said looking away from her. I took a piece of cotton candy and put my hand out, I let go of it letting it fall into the puddle. It dissolved into the water dying that small part of it pink a bit.

"Miss Jinx–"

"Just Jinx, I'm not even twenty yet."

"Okay, Jinx. Is it weird to hear voice?."

I looked at her putting my feet back on the bench. I never really thought about that, for me it's normal but for other people I guess it's weird.

"It's weird for most people but normal for some. Why did you want to know?"

"My mama always calls me a freak when I talk to them, so I've only been talked to them when I'm alone. Haru is the same, he hits me when I talk to them near him. The rest of the people there don't really care."

Hold up, wait minute. Run that back. Right now, fucking replay that shit! Is her mother abusive, mostly likely. That's just a stupid question. But who is Haru, her father maybe? No, she would have said father, papa, or something along those lines. What a damn minute.

"Who is Haru?" I asked. If this situation is what I'm thinking then that's great! Well, more so for me than her but she'll still benefit from it. The chances of me being right are pretty slim though.

"Haru is Mama's boyfriend, he works with a bunch of other guys too. Ever since mama met him we are hardly ever at our house." Lila said. I took more cotton candy giving it to her.

I'm pretty sure Haru is in some gang mender or leader. She didn't mention anything about ghouls so it might be a human gang. Her mother is probably one of Haru's playthings or something, I do t know what gang leaders do. I can't compare other gang leaders to that man since he was pretty set on his goals.

I sat back tapping my feet on the bench thinking of what I should do. I could ask her to take me to them and kill all of them, oh, and also take their money. Can't forget about the money! It's a win-win, I get a shit fuck ton of money for my very legal activities. And her abusers will be dead, she'll be free? I think that's how that works.


Ah, fuck! I looked in front of us and said a woman walking over. She looked very similar to Lila but with brown eyes, everything else was practically I copy and paste. Lila's eyes widened and she hid the cotton candy for some reason. The woman came over the grabbed her free hand.

"Did I not tell you not to fucking run off!? Huh?! When we get back–" She stopped. I tilted my head and looked behind me. I looked back at the two putting my feet down. The woman scoffed and walked away pulling Lila with her.

I just said there looking at them leave. No "Thank you for looking after my daughter and making sure she didn't get kidnapped and sold to some rich ghouls in an auction underground" Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration but ya get the point.

The boy appeared next to me but I didn't react this time.

(Go kill her, take the girl)

(Yeah. You developed a liking to her, didn't you? Just take her)

(Kill the woman slowly)

Shush up, you sound weird. That can be taken out of context so easily.

*Lila POV*

As mama pulled me with her I tried to hit the cotton candy Jinx gave me. Mama never let me eat nice things, she always said that I don't deserve it. But it was gone! I held my hand in front of me and saw nothing. Did I drop it? I looked around but didn't see it, then I looked back at Jinx.

She was still sat on the bench but she had the cotton candy in her hand eating it. She winked at me and got up. My mouth parted, I didn't even notice. How did she do that, when did she do that! And I'm pretty sure her eyes were glowing.

I looked away trying not to show my excitement. I really, REALLY. hope I met her again.