The Eye

I pedalled away as fast as possible, Who the hell is that girl she must be crazy thinking i want to join an organization I'm still a kid, I tried to ask Jessica about it

"Hey do you know her?"


"Really? it felt like you were talking to her without a hint of fear"

"Yeah of course not, If she's with the so called organization then why would she tell her men to stop shooting?" Your not wrong but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be scared Even i almost pissed my pants, but it did calmed me down for a bit

"Whatever we're going home"

After we arrived home soaking wet i parked my bike where i usually parked it and then i knocked on the door. When the door was opened it was her again.

"What are you doing here?" i said angrily

"Calm down calm down no need to be angry I'm here to visit your house" she smiled "I think I didn't introduce yourself but my name is Amelia Kosminski, nice to meet you"

Jessica stepped in front of me and offered a hand shake "Nice to meet you i think you should know our names already"

Amelia shaked her hand and said "Yup, I guess you really know your stuff, You're pretty smart kid, Anyway we need to talk don't worry i wont harm anybody here, but if you don't hear my offer you & the people you love Will die here"

That doesn't make any sense but i don't want to question it she looks like the type who talks too much "Fine let's go" The rain had stopped and we continued our talk outside.

"So what do you want?" Jessica said

"Let's head straight to it, I want you in my team, Both of you"

"And why should we join?"

"It's because people are searching for you, Because of what you did to that cerberus"

That 8 legged dog was called a cerberus? From my understanding shouldn't cerberus be a 3 headed dog? I need answers No I need to focus on the matter of the subject "That thing will come for me?"

"No, Even worse another organization called Greed, They will come for you they have powers like us. The difference between us is that they use the eye for their own benefit and our organization uses it to wipe out evil, Simple right?"

People like her will come for us? i have so many questions "Fine We'll join you" Jessica said, I'm sorry we? i didn't say anything

"We? Jessica stop wasting your time you always skip gym class there's no way you can do it!"

"If you want us to protect your loved ones, you have to join us, And I will protect them with my life, I swear" She lowered her head

"It's not about only protecting our orphanage, Emily needs the money" Jessica said

"Don't worry we'll give the money to this so called Emily"

"Wait if you don't know who Emily is then who let you inside?" Jessica said

"I don't know. When I was knocking at the door the children in the orphanage was the one who opened the door for me"

Jessica then fell down, "H-hey this is a what if okay? but what if they were captured by Greed?" There's no way she ran out of her house without telling anybody right?

"Jessica did Emily said anything about going anywhere today?"


"Calm down kid check your surroundings, There's no need to break down we haven't checked the rooms or talked to the kids yet, Don't give up yet!" Amelia said

I then opened the door and screamed "KIDS DID YOU KNOW WHERE EMILY WENT?" the kids shake their head left and right, I checked up stairs to see a clue, I checked Emily's room and saw a Note

"If you dont come to the Big Ben before 10AM you won't ever see her again" I checked the clock and it was 3.55.

What? How could they! She didn't even do anything other than raising us, If i find him I'll kill him! I ran down the stairs and told them to go out of the orphanage and then i gave this letter to Amelia & Jessica.

Jessica broke down crying and Amelia hugged her trying to comfort her But, I was fucking enraged suddenly my eye hurts. I screamed "It hurts, my eye fucking hurts"

"Calm down, You have to stay calm you're not ready for that yet, C'mon deep breaths with me" i channeled my breath and stayed calm my eye suddenly stopped hurting.

"Kid do you want me to save them?"

"Yes, Please we'll do anything!" Jessica grabbed his foot and begged, I then begged too

"Don't worry, You'll get her back but we need your powers, I need your powers, So i need you to help me rescue Emily. Is that a deal?"

"Yes we'll do anything just save her" we said

Then i heard a loud sound from the Sky it was a helicopter "Fine hop in, we need to know what your powers are so we need to take an hour or two. Don't worry it'll be quick remember deep breaths"

We went in the helicopter hoping that she would explain a plan or do anything I'm frustrated why would they target her even though we're the one who have powers? "FUCK!" i punched my leg

Emily grabbed my hand and said "Calm down, If you loose your cool you can't use your powers and if we don't have your powers out chance of Emily surviving is 20%" I tried to calm down but i can't help myself, I took several deep breaths and i kinda calmed down

After the helicopter had landed we arrived to what seems to be an underground building. My heart was rising, We didn't even think it through what if she was the enemy? What if this was all a trap to lure us? No there's no way right? But if i think about it, It makes sense

"Trust me, I'll bring her back, I'm the good guy and they're the bad guy, That's all you need to know"

How did she know? No that's not important we'll surely succeed. We'll bring her back and kill the bad guys, Yes that's all I hoped for

We then met a bald grandpa who wears a lab coat and glasses. "I'm assuming they're the new guys?" he said

"Yes, Both of you meet Professor Iko, He's the head professor of this organization"

"Nice to meet you, Welcome to EX. Which stands for Protect.Help.Save pretty cool huh?"

"Nice to meet you my name is Robert Darius Hunter, And her name is Jessica Jocelyn"

"So what kind of powers do you have?"

"I have ice and Jessica i don't really know, Sorry Professor"

"Don't be, So what's your power?"

"I-i don't really know" she said

"Well then there's no need to worry. We'll test both of you, When you're ready one of you go in to that chamber over there and we'll test what kind of powers you have" the professor said

"Before I come in, can I ask you something first?" i said

"Yeah, sure"

"Can you tell me why we of all people have powers?"

"I don't know it still is a mystery. But there's one thing that I know, The Eye or power appeared when the first world war was going on, The soldier who was shot in the head survived, The commander asked him a bunch of questions but the soldiers doesn't know anything, And he ended up being tested, After there was no more war we saw there was a lot of people who had these powers and they had something unique, It's their eyes, That's all have any questions?"

So there has been people like this for their entire life, I wonder who that guy is and where he is now? He might be dead but i have a feeling he didn't go down easily "Nope, No more questions"

"Okay get in"

I then went on first, this is going to be easy i mean I should know how to do it. I looked around everything was so big and a lot of dangerous stuff.

"Can you hear me?" The professor said, he and also the both of them was to the left of me covered by the glass

"Yeah i can hear you please pick a weapon" I picked up the bow

"Shoot the target" suddenly a target was in front of me, I shoot my arrow but the ice didn't came out

Amelia whispered to the professor and then She came in the chamber

"So why can't you use your powers? do you know?"

What's the reason? I used it when i was fighting that monster? What triggered it? I remember i was scared when that thing ran and then my eye hurts.

"Emotion?" I said

"Maybe but if it's emotion shouldn't it be fire?"

"I-i don't know"

"Hey kid let me tell you something" she grabs my ear "If you don't figure out how to activate your ability, You'll die"

"Huh?" Why would I die? i mean she grabbed me here, unless she's the enemy. I ran back and aimed at her


"Even if i did what can you do, You're weak you couldn't even use your powers, That bow isn't going to kill me either"

"O-OH YEAH?" She's right I'm lucky even if i can shoot her 1 time.

"After I beat you I'll sell the kids in the orphanage and sell Emily's organs. Don't worry I'll make sure you watch every single thing, After all It's all because you were too hasty trusting someone like me. So Shoot your arrow after all im a monster, Do you think a human would do something bad like that?" She grinned and grabbed two of her knife's