191. On April the 14th at midnight [M]

Glen blinked and stared at the awesome werewolf standing in front of him. He had perfectly heard what Eden had just told him but a part of him couldn't process the whole moment.

For years, the alpha had done everything to forget that the day when he had transformed after being stabbed by his father's claws, had never existed. He had done everything to forget the day he was born because, for him, it was the day his mother died at his hands. A veil of discomfort passed over his eyes and Glen looked away.


"It's okay. I know what you think. But the fact that you celebrate your life doesn't mean you forget the death of the one who gave you life. Please, I think it's time for you to heal and forgive the you from the past who only acted like that because you had been mistreated. It wasn't your fault."

Eden's voice was pleading but Glen still refused to look at him. However, the male omega was determined not to leave his mate with this wound any longer.