A Cat

Yi Yun felt like he wanted to run into that tunnel and return to earth. But with Jojo by his side, he might not be able to move even a step from his side.

The thing that annoyed him was that no one was trying to snatch him from the two men.

'Aren't there other groups recruiting newcomers, or are they really not interested in me?'

Some people saw him, but they only stared at him for a moment. After that they averted their gazes as if he was just a passing wind.

Arnulfo who saw him seemed to understand his thoughts, maybe he had the same experience, he sighed softly before saying "don't expect too much, just like Jojo said, people like us are more suited to join the Fire Hermit Guild, most guilds only recruit elites."

"Elites? Are they that special?"

"Hmph," Jojo suddenly snorted softly.

"You can't say they are special. Although many of them have great backgrounds, there are actually more who are like us, ordinary people who happened to find a portal to this world. Their only advantage is that they come from a more advanced civilization."

"But they're getting a lot more attention. Looks like racial issues are happening here too."

"Huh, of course. But it's not a racial issue, but a status issue."

"Oh," Yi Yun immediately understood what he meant.

As the saying goes; "beggars in heaven can look down on emperors in the mortal world."

Perhaps if a grain of sand in heaven fell to earth, the entire earth would treat it as a priceless treasure that was guarded with the strictest safeguards.

There is no need to compare heaven and earth. Even between rich and poor countries, you will be treated better if you come from a rich country even if in your country you are just an insignificant figure.

"By the way, is your guild boss the same as us?" Yi Yun asked once again.

"No, he is also an elite. Almost all guilds are led by elites."

"That's quite surprising."

"Good people are everywhere," answered Jojo.

'Hmph, but why do you guys seem to be forcing me to join you guys,' Yi Yun snorted inwardly.

He was sure that what awaited him in the guild was not a good thing.

"Have you guys been waiting for me from the start?" Yi Yun finally asked the question that was bothering him.

"Waiting for you? Hahaha..." Jojo suddenly laughed. "You're thinking too much bro."

Yi Yun, "..."

'What am I thinking wrong?'

Moments later, they arrived at a three-story building. It was one of the largest buildings in the town.

But when they arrived, there were three other people who also arrived there.

One of the three people caught Yi Yun's attention.

He's a tall brown-skinned man, he's even a few centimeters taller than Jojo.

His hair was long and he wore an ancient robe.

Yi Yun couldn't help but think about the ancient imperial warriors on earth. Only, his body was currently covered in bruises. He looked like he had just been beaten.

The other two nodded at Jojo and Adnulfo before entering the building first.

"Hehehe, he should be from the ancient era," Jojo chuckled, he also looked at the man.

Yi Yun finally knew that he was also a newcomer.

Arnulfo who was standing beside him then spoke. "Every day, there will be several newcomers who come to this city, at least half of them are from remote planets. There are even those from ancient planets."

"That's only in this city, there are more in other cities," Jojo chimed in. "How many planets of life are there in the universe? Fortunately the world is so vast that no one knows where the limits are. We who appear here are in fact still from the same galaxy. It is called the Milky Way in the language of this world."

"Although the original inhabitants of this world have disappeared, our own numbers are so numerous that this world looks like a normal world."

"It's only because a lot of people go to the main city that the residents of this town seem to be few, otherwise this small town will be very crowded."

Yi Yun, "..."

Jojo tapped his shoulder once more.

"It's surprising isn't it, but that's the reality in the universe. Actually the milky way is a lagging galaxy, that's why there are many planets that are not connected to the civilization of the universe. That's what the branch boss has said. Space transportation in the Milky Way is also underdeveloped. They can't travel if they don't have the right coordinates."

'If they could travel freely, today's earth might be colonized by them.'

"What about other galaxies?"

Jojo seemed to like to chat, Yi Yun naturally wouldn't let go of the opportunity to broaden his horizons.

"There must be a galaxy that is very advanced and powerful. According to the boss, the reason why our galaxy remains safe now is because it's not easy to go outside the galaxy. Those who can do that easily are no longer interested in our galaxy."

"Of course, why there is the term universal civilization is because all elite civilizations are basically connected to each other."

"They are not connected in the real world, but are connected through communication, more precisely through the virtual world."

"Virtual world?"

"Yes, it's similar to this world, but this is the real world, not the virtual world. The virtual world, on the other hand, can be visited by anyone as long as they have virtual equipment connected to the cosmic network."

"Cosmic network? What is it?"

"It's something that envelops the entire universe. The reason why elite civilizations were able to connect with universe civilizations is because they discovered the existence of the cosmic network. For example, if your planet finds it, you will not be far from becoming an elite civilization."

"What about your planet?"

"They still haven't found it. Of course, if you want, you can ask the people here. But before your planet is strong enough to survive, at least to create mutual destruction, it's better not to try to connect with the civilization of the universe. You should at least have a weapon that can destroy a planet."

Yi Yun, "..."

'Nuclear weapons might just be considered a toy by them.'

"Hahaha, it's better not to talk about it, the universe is so complicated, the world is much better. We can train and progress faster here. How many people out there want to come here but can't."

The man then patted Yi Yun's back, "let's go in." He pushed Yi Yun into the building.

Yi Yun grumbled inwardly, they seemed to be the same age, but he treated him as if he was just a school student.

The living room in the building was very simple, there was a guest table in the middle.

On the left wall of the living room, there was a blackboard. There, Yi Yun saw dozens of papers hanging.

"You can take missions there once you become a guild member," Adnulfo explained.

They then walked towards the stairs that led to the second floor.

On the second floor, there are several hallways. Each hallway has many doors.

Yi Yun saw the previous group enter one of the hallways before entering one of the doors in the hallway.

They then entered another door in the hallway.

A room that looked like an office entered his eyes. In the window of the room, there was a work desk with a pile of papers on it.

Behind the table sat a cat with the body of a human but full of fur.

Yi Yun, "..."

'Is someone wearing a cosplay outfit?'

'No, he has big eyes.'

The cat's eyes moved towards him so Yi Yun knew that they were real eyes.