VIP Cell

Yi Yun took a closer look at the thing that called itself VOC. He thought it was some kind of object that could bring his consciousness into it, but it didn't seem that way.

"This thing can extract monsters? What will it extract from monsters?"

Yi Yun continued to investigate the thing, but even after 10 minutes, he still found nothing.

"Looks like my guess was wrong," Yi Yun said.

Right after he said that, the VOC once again made a sound. And this time it was the first voice he heard.

"Stop investigating, you won't find what you want to find out of this, just use this to extract the monster's body, it will help you grow very fast."

The voice stopped there saying nothing more even though Yi Yun tried to call out to it.

'Oh, this even knows what I'm looking for. There should be two sound sources in this thing, are they really artificial intelligence?'

'And, it seems I can only return to the guild to change my body.'

'Next, I need to try the extract ability of this VOC.'

Yi Yun put the VOC back into his clothes pocket.

The four mana stones that were now running out of energy he also stuffed into his clothes pocket.

Yi Yun then looked out the glass window, observing the sky which was becoming darker and darker.

He didn't realize how much time had passed, but suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps.

And he didn't just hear one footstep, he heard several.

"Who's coming?" Yi Yun wondered.

The warden will not give dinner to prisoners who are about to be put to death. Even if the inmate gets leniency, the prison usually only sends one or the warden.

But from the sound of footsteps he heard, it was clear that quite a number of people had arrived.

He just wanted to know if they were heading to his cell.

The light in the cell passage then came on, making the scene clear.

"They came here," Yi Yun was immediately able to conclude when he heard their voices getting closer to his cell.

His cell was at the end of the passage, they wouldn't find another cell after his.

Quickly, he saw the people. They were all wardens, yet in front of them currently stood a middle-aged man. Even though the latter was also wearing a warden's outfit, but it was much better.

Yi Yun had already met that person when he first arrived at the prison, he was the head warden.

In fact, it was one of the largest prisons, there were more than 10 thousand inmates there, being the chief warden in such a prison was definitely not a low position.

The head warden's name was Yang Chen, he smiled at Yi Yun as he looked at Yi Yun. He then waved at one of the wardens. The latter quickly advanced. In his hand was a key.

As the cell door opened, Yang Chen then spoke. "Congratulations Yi Yun, you will be transferred to the VIP cell."

"VIP cell?"

Yi Yun was hearing the term for the first time even though he was an official.

The word VIP let him know it wasn't an ordinary cell.

"What really happened?" Yi Yun asked.

"Well, you'll find out for yourself later."

Yi Yun knitted his brows, but he was still standing.

"Let's go," Yang Chen said.

He then turned around.

Yi Yun looked at his back, then the wardens before stepping up to follow him.

No one spoke, they not only left the prison passageway, they even left the prison building.

They then went to another building that was at the end of the prison area, it was right next to the walls of the prison area.

It has four floors which is quite surprising. When he arrived at the prison, Yi Yun's mood was so bad that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings.

But clearly, almost all prison buildings have two floors. But it has four, in that area, only the warden's office has four floors.

They then entered the building.

Most of the wardens did not follow into the building, only Yang Chen and a few wardens seemed to be close to him.

The inside of the building was no different from any other prison building, but they didn't go to the cell area, instead, they went to the warden's office in the building.

The head warden smiled at Yi Yun before staring at a cupboard in the corner of the room. He then waved at the wardens who followed him. Two of them then walked towards the cupboard. They pushed the cupboard aside, revealing a wooden door.

However, the moment the wooden door was opened, what was inside quite shocked Yi Yun. There was an elevator behind the door.

Yi Yun couldn't help but stare at Yang Chen.

"You will die if this is exposed," Yi Yun said.

But, Yang Chen responded with a smirk. "You're going to die soon, why worry about me. Luckily someone paid a heavy price so you can live a leisurely life before you die."

"Come in."

This time, he didn't take the wardens with him when he entered the elevator.

After Yi Yun entered the elevator, he immediately pressed the only button on the elevator. The elevator immediately moved up.

"Who is that?" Yi Yun asked.

"I don't know, that person did it through my superiors."


Yi Yun fell into contemplation.

Who had helped him?

He has an older sister who is a doctor. But she and her husband were not rich at all.

His father is dead, and his mother is just a lecturer at a university.

Even though his family wasn't poor, they weren't rich either.

"Is that her?"

There's only one person who could possibly do that. After all, she was a top celebrity.

However, their relationship was long over.

For people like them, they may only feel love in school days. Such is the reality of the elite in the modern era.