The Ancient Man

"Looks like you got it, although the odds are high, success on the first try means you're among the people with good luck." The boss nodded in satisfaction when she saw him.

"It's a strange feeling," Yi Yun said.

"Well, it's the same as when you suddenly mastered the language of this world."

"I think the concept of this world is very similar to the game world."

"Indeed, many have said that. Whether this world, or us in this world, seem to be in one program, but our power is still there even if we return to our original world."

"Do you still have any questions?"

"Now it seems that there are still some questions." Yi Yun smiled wryly.

"Just ask, I'm actually a chatty person."

"This, if the monsters of this world were brought to our world, are they..."

"Oh, I know what you want to ask," the boss cut him off before he finished.

"Basically, whatever exists in this world, we can take them to our original world. They also have the same function, but, your virtual screen doesn't appear again right when you come back?"

Yi Yun nodded.

"In our world, we will lose our programs. Like monster brains, they may still have those skills, but the people in our world won't gain them just by consuming them. The thing is, there's still no ability to absorb memories just by consuming the brain."

"I'm not sure what about other galaxies, but there's still equipment that can do that. The top civilizations of the Milky Way have it."

"Of course, even if they could absorb the memories of those monsters, they wouldn't directly master the skills they acquired."

"Like attributes, if we consume certain parts of a monster's body and they happen to store energy, here we can directly use them to enhance our attributes. But them, they need to use their skills to absorb and purify them then integrate them with their bodies."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Suddenly the sound of a man's cough appeared in the room.

It was from that ancient man, he suddenly woke up from his sleep. He then sat down and held his head before looking around.

Seeing him, the boss smiled and stood up from the bed. "This man's potential is quite good, but it is quite difficult to control people from an ancient planet. Fortunately he is quite intelligent and understands things quickly."

"Is there anything else I need to do?" He then asked the boss. His accent was really, really bad.

"No, we will help you level up tomorrow, you can do whatever you want for now," replied the boss.

The ancient man nodded, he then got off the bed. But just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly stopped. He held his head for a while as if trying to remember something.

After two breaths, his expression suddenly turned ugly. "No, the empress is still kidnapped, I have to save her immediately," he said.

After saying that, he immediately ran towards the door.

Yi Yun, "..."

Boss, "..."

Yi Yun suddenly remembered the ancient romance between the emperor's guard and the empress. It was even sadder than Romeo and Juliet.

The boss then looked at Yi Yun, she shook her head. "An ancient man is still an ancient man," she said.

"What would you do if you were in his position?" she asked.

"Haha, if I really love the empress, I will think of a way to take over the emperor's position. If it's too difficult, I'll just take her away," Yi Yun replied.

"It was a tough choice, but what if you two just love each other secretly? And make love when the emperor isn't around?"


Yi Yun rolled his eyes.

"Well, I don't really think love is that important, that kind of thing wouldn't happen to me. The only thing that might happen is that I make the emperor a cuckold."

"Ha-ha-ha, you are indeed a man with a rotten heart. Alright, I want to return to my world, do whatever you want, but I suggest you rest before tomorrow's training."

After saying that, she walked towards the window. She opened the window, she then looked at Yi Yun, and said. "You have to learn to fly if you want to move freely, the method is simple, you just need to cover your body with your spiritual energy, then fly your body with it. But you may need to adapt."

She then jumped to the window.

She didn't fall, instead, she floated in the air.


She then moved through the air like a bird.

Who has never dreamed of flying? Even though it was almost 30 years old, seeing the flying humans, Yi Yun immediately felt impatient. After all, he could still be considered a wibu.

Yi Yun immediately got off the bed, he then followed what the boss said.

He enveloped his body with his spiritual energy. It was very easy to do, but when he tried to fly his body with it, he found it very difficult. He could make his body fly, but his body immediately swayed so he didn't dare to fly his body too high.

It feels like flying a drone, for those who are used to it, it may be very easy, but for the first time doing it, it is really very difficult.

'Looks like it will take some time before I can do it,' thought Yi Yun.

He then looked around.

There was no one guarding the room, even though it was full of evolver potions.

Of course, Yi Yun did not dare to do anything strange there. The boss can call Adolf without calling him directly, maybe Adolf can watch the room from another room.

'Well, I'd better get out first.'

Yi Yun then went outside.

Right now, the sky of that world was already getting dark. It was probably around 5pm.

When Yi Yun came out of the guild building, he encountered Elly's group once again.

But unlike before, this time they looked gloomy. Their bodies were covered with wounds.

Elly looked even worse, the clothes on her body were full of tears and even the large sword she was carrying was only half left.

Seeing their gloomy auras, Yi Yun chose to go aside as they passed. He was worried that they would kill him if they thought he was unpleasant to look at.

However, one of them suddenly waved at him.

It was the woman who had previously been standing beside Elly.

"Hey handsome, how about you spend the night with me?" She spoke in a seductive tone.

Yi Yun looked at her long legs, and her face. He thought she was quite beautiful, similar to a South American woman. But a woman like her might have a habit of dominating men, Yi Yun actually disliked such women. He wouldn't do it with her unless he had to.

Besides, he wasn't in the mood to make love.

Now that he has new things in his body, he prefers to spend time learning the new things that he has.

"Sorry, I am not that kind of person," Yi Yun replied.

Of course, he wouldn't say he didn't want to. If he said that, it would be the same as saying that he was the kind of person who could make love with anyone.

He then leaves from there.

The woman didn't chase after him, but she shouted at him. "Hey, don't lie to me, I have a keen sense of smell, you have at least 10 women's smell on your body, you must have made love to 10 different women in the past year."

"Come to me if you want, remember my name is Amanda."

Yi Yun, "..."

Of course, he knew that he would meet all kinds of people in this world. Even a corruptor like him could arrive in this world, compared to his crimes, Yi Yun didn't feel that she had done anything bad.


'How could any sense of smell know that,' Yi Yun cursed inwardly.