Second floor... and a loli need my help?

{In the ID} (Cain POV)

"Ha, I expect the second floor can give me more challenge than the first one" Here I'm on the 2nd floor, honestly the boss doesn't make any proper damage on me, tip for any new player out there: just aim for the head then it will be an easy game.

[Quest completed]

[You have received 10000exp and 'zombie hunter' title]

[You have level up] x 5

Title: zombie hunter

You deal 50% more damage to zombie-type enemies.

Short description but acceptable, let begin our hunt here, I'm sure this place kinda reminds me about the medieval time, you know? Like the time king and queen rule over the kingdom and -Ack!

Zombie soldier x7 lv 20

HP: 1500/1500

MP: 0/0

"Guess the main theme for this floor is the medieval age then, ok come her -" *Boom* They don't even let me finish my line, what a rude creature

Zombie archer x3 lv 15

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 0/0

Zombie mage x1 lv 25

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 400/500

"So fantasy medieval age then, not a problem, get lose you little shit" Without any talking left, I rush toward the mage one, I need to eliminate the most problematic one in this horde. "Dark slash x4" I mumble quietly then slice 'myself' in the direction of the mage zombie

[Fatal hit!]

[Dark slash have level up]

"Now without that guy, you guy will be finished in no time." Seeing the soldier pushing up, I jump then active spin attack in the mid-air, ripping their head out of their body but when I landed on the ground, an arrow got to my shoulder. "Fuck! You little shit, how the hell can you aim without any eyes?" Thankfully that attack doesn't take away much durability, look like my DUR stats still do something more useful than just increase durability then. "You archer just die already!" At that moment, I was just thinking about teleporting at their place and slicing their head off, in a matter of seconds later, I did.

[You have level up] x3

[New skill created: Ghostly step]

Ghostly step: (active) 100mp, lv 1/10

Allow you to teleport at a radius of 10 meters around you.

"heh, another neat skill there, maybe I will practice dark magic more in the future." I walk away from the decaying zombie corpse to find a new horde, I don't know why but zombies seem to be less down here, hey, is that a ballista?


I don't know how the f*** I manage to dodge that bolt, I'm sure I can't even see the bolt when it was fired. "Ah crap, here goes another one." I rush toward the ballista location, the moment they fired, I used a ghostly step to teleport aside. "Got you now bitches." I used a spin attack to destroy the machine and the zombie at the same time. Hey, it drops something wait, is this a flare gun?

Lure gun (uncommon)

When shot to the sky, A load of monsters will be lured to your place, even some mini-boss can be lured by this. Last for 10 minutes

Holding this item in my hand, I can already feel some eyes were staring at me right now, it says even some mini-boss will be lured, this is a golden opportunity to level up. Taking a deep breath, I shot the gun into the sky.

[time left: 10:00 minutes]


Zombie Giant x3 lv 40

HP: 4000/4000

MP: 0/0

Following those giants behind was an army of soldiers, mage, and archer zombies, I wonder where is the ballista tho?

Crack~~~ VROOM*

Catapult + zombie lv 30

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 500/500

Enchanted archer zombie lv 35

HP: 3500/3500

MP: 0/0

Ballista + zombie lv 30

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 0/0

'Here they are, such a pain in my ass.' I cursed as a smile formed on my face "Come at me all of you motherfucker!" The question is: why do I need to fear all of this little shit?


{10 minutes later} (3rd POV)

Durability: 2400/18000

"Ah~" Cain let out a satisfying sound as he finished killing all of the monsters, which gives him a lot of durability and exp, 'I love my trail and this body.' Cain thought as he takes a look at his Durability have increased a lot during the fight with those zombies, it also saves him some time because when his durability cap increase, his current durability will also increase.

Cain dematerializes his human form and lay down on the corpse mountain he just created and open his status

Name: Cain

Race: Cursed Sentient weapon(Darkin)

Alignment: Neutral evil

Class: Scythe master (36/100)

Secondary Class: N/A

Level: 71

Durability: 2500/18000

MP: 300/1000 MPR: 40/min

STR - 165

DUR - 50

DEX - 50

INT - 50

WIS - 50

Unused point: 410

Upgrade point (UP): 0

Credit: 5700

Scythe mastery (advance)

Increase scythe damage by 15% and swing 10% faster

Reaping: (passive) lv1/100

Increase damage deals by 1.5 when you hit the opponent's vital part.

Eyes of death (lesser): Active

Allow you to see a bit of dead people's memory

New perk added for reaching 100 STR: Sharp blade

All physical attacks deal 30% more damage

"Heh, worth it," He said, then mentally put his point, now his new status is:

Durability: 7500/23000

MP: 2000/2000 MPR: 200/min

STR - 375

DUR - 100

DEX - 100

INT - 100

WIS - 100

New perk added for reaching 100 DUR: self-repair

You will slowly repair yourself overtime

New perk added for reaching 100 DEX: Super reflex

Time flow 1.5 slower for you, help you see the attack easier.

New perk added for reaching 100 INT and WIS: Mana link

Now you will share the same mana pool with the wielder

New perk added for reaching 300 STR: Armour pierce

On physical contact, you will have a 1% chance to ignore all of the enemy's defending

(Each perk will require 100 more points, for example, 100-200-300)

"Hah, for now, let wait a bit for my durability then," Cain said as he checks out some of his skill

Dark blade enchantment: (active) lv2/5, 150mp/min

You can cloak your blade with dark magic, increase your damage by 15% dealing 2x damage to a holy being. Last for 2 minute

Armament Haki: (Active) lv 3/10, 0mp

Let your body become steel, increase your DUR and STR by 2

Spin attack: (active) 70mp, lv 3/10

Spin around at a very fast speed, deal STRx1.5 damage, and the number of hits depending on your DEX, 20 DEX = 1 hit. Deal 2 times more damage to a holy being

Dark slash: (active) 100mp, lv 5/20

You focus dark magic on the blade then slice out a dark blade at your enemy dealing (INT+STR)x 1.25 damage and deal 2.5 more damage on holy being. Current blade limit: 5

"Welp, guess the requirement also increases, now, how much time I have left with my skill?"

[Time left: 12 hours]

"Guess my time is limited, enough resting, let get back to hunting." Cain said as he materializes his human form "I must get the telekinesis skill tome soon as possible." Then he starts to run toward a large building direction.

{Some moment later}

[You have entered a secret area: the tower of alchemist]

"The what? I just wander around and a secret place pops up, what a sick joke." Cain takes a look at the tower, judging from the look, it only has 3 floors and has been abandoned for a long time. Plant and moss cover more than half of the tower wall. "In all of my gaming experience, all secret area has very good loot so~" Cain whistle innocently then kick the old door open.

[The boss have been enraged because of your action]

"Ho, such a caring boss, guess your house is important to you eh? How about this?" Cain smirk then use the scythe (himself) - (Even I got confused when I write this story) - to slice the wall into pieces


"Fine, no more playing then, I'm coming to you." After that, he calmly climbs up the ladder. When he arrives on the first floor, an old table suddenly light up, Cain takes a look at the table:

Die, intruder!

After that, a green mist slowly filled the room, in just a minute, the room was filled with poison gas. And how about our MC? Because he is a weapon so~~

"Really? Is this the most creative trap medieval people can create? What a shame." Cain completely ignores the trap then finds the ladder that led to the 2nd floor.

When he arrives on the 2nd floor, he immediately receives a punch in the stomach which sends him flying to the wall. From the shadow, a huge figure appeared

Orichalcum golem lv 55

HP: 5000/5000

MP: 500/500

"What? Are those alchemists that rich? As I know, orichalcum cost a ton of money." Cain said in disbelieve while dodging the golem attack, 'All golem has a core, I just need to find it, the eyes seem suspicious tho. Wait, how can this freaking huge golem fit in this tower in the first place?' Running through all of his thought, Cain decide to wipe it aside and focus on the golem.

"Dark slash" Cain send 3 slashes toward the golem head but surprisingly, the attack was reflected at him. "Great, this guy immune to magic attack, just great." Cain began to feel angry, he dashed forward at the golem, dodging all of the golem's incoming attack while activating armament khaki, dark blade enchantment, and teleport in front of the golem's eyes, "Hello and goodbye you fucking puppet." Cain immediately uses a spin attack to cut half of the golem's head off.

[Critical hits!]

[You have level up]

[Item drop: Golem core]

Golem core: rare

use to create a golem, if the core is destroyed, the golem will automatically get deactivate

Cain looks at the remaining part of the golem "Hey system, can I deposit this thing?"


"Nice, store this thing for me please." After the store, the golem body, Cain climbs up the ladder that led to the highest floor. After he reaches the 3rd floor, the room is filled with raw material, a glass bottle, and a bunch of chemicals, there is no sign of lifeform here.

"Now where is the alchemist? Did he run for his life or something?" Cain said in a provocative tone, after that he searched around the room and found a table on which the surface has been covered with paper. At first, he doesn't care about this much but certain information attracts him: "Way to immortality?" And below was the journal about the process: "Day 1023/03/1XXX: They become mindless but it still a success, they have achieved immortality? Don't tell me this alchemist is responsible for this zombie apocalypse!" Cain shouted as he read the journal of the alchemist.

"Yes, you are right." A deep voice suddenly sounded behind Cain, making him swing himself at incredible speed but... it hit nothing. "Oh my, don't such a haste, I have plenty of time here you know?" Now the figure has been revealed, it still looks like a human if we don't count the face part because is already destroyed. "Guess like you are the alchemist, then you probably achieved the immortality as you wish then." Cain smiled nervously, the alchemist only let out a small laugh "Yes, I'm and I have made this whole kingdom immortal too, they should be thankful, now I'm their god!" This time he let out a maniac laugh, Cain only sighed then teleport in front of him "You are no god, just a crazy scientist." Then he cut the alchemist in half.

'Did this thing die that easy?' While Cain was running through his thought, he hears the maniac laugh again "Keke, did you think I will get killed that easy? Filthy human! I'm god, I'm immortal!"

The alchemist lv 100

Title: The (semi) immortal alchemist

HP: 5000/5000 HPR 2000/sec

MP: 5000/5000 MPR 5000/min

Thought about you: Filthy human


(Cain POV)

'What the fuck happened with this guy HPR and MPR?' He can regen his body in just 2 seconds, what the fuck? 'Systems can you show me his skill?'


Potion/poison maker (expert)

Potion/poison effectiveness increase by 20%

Ultra regeneration

As long as you have MP, increase your HPR by 5 times and you will still regenerate even your HP reached 0

Undead body:

You can't feel pain anymore, increase HPR by 5 times

Fire magic (Adept)

Magic reflection: (passive)

Reflect all incoming magic to the user

Really? He has 2 super healing skills, that is unfair! But hey, at least I still have a chance to win, his ultra regeneration says as long as he has MP, but... Nope, swipe it away Cain, you have no chance.

"Wait, you still have a soul?" What a minute, what the hell I'm doing? Asking the boss himself? He can't be that stupid right?

"Of course, unlike the people outside, I still have my soul because I'm a god!" Then he goes ramping about his greatness again... I'm speechless with this guy, he is crazy and a dumped guy at the same time. Nah, now he still have a soul so I can kill him with soul eater but it require to slay him - meaning his HP need to drop down to 0 - if I calculated right, I can have this guy HP to 0 in one go if all of my spin attacks hit him... Wait, I can do that from the beginning already, why do I even need to listen to this guy praise himself?

"Ugh, just stop talking like you're god you son of a bitch!" I shouted as I active all of my current enchantment then teleport behind him, I knew this won't be a critical hit, but it was still enough to make his HP down to zero. I active spin attack and with my 100 DEX stats, I manage to hit him 5 times in a row

HP: 0/5000 HPR: 2000/sec

HP: 2000/5000 HPR:2000/sec

[Soul eater actived]

The Alchemist's body quickly formed back again "Keke, did you think you can kill me? Filthy human, I already told you I'm god! You can't defeat go-" I smirk as I look at the alchemist, soul eater surely an effective skill for an immortal enemy. "Wh...what have you done to me!?" The alchemist body now has to stop regenerating, instead, it began to collapse "No! I suppose to be immortal! How come I get killed by this mortal?" Then, he completely reduces it into a black liquid.

[Soul devoured: +20 INT, WIS, 10 STR, DUR, DEX

[You have level up] x4

[Hidden quest completed]

The truth behind the scenes:

Objective 1: Find the alchemist tower [x]

Objective 2: Defeat the alchemist [x]

Bonus objective:?

Reward: 2 gacha tokens, 10000 credits, 100000exp,? key, [the immortal slayer] title

[You have level up] x8

Gacha token: rare

When use, give you a random item across the multiverse. The item rarity depends on your luck

? key: common - epic

It uses to open some door inside the ID

The immortal slayer:

All enemy HPR will be halved if they are equal or lower lv than you. All enemy HPR will be stopped if they are 100 lv below you.

"Worth it, even I don't need to put much effort as I thought at first. Nah, let test my luck with the gacha token."

[2 gacha token used]


[You have received: a skill book, a chunk of hellstone]

Skill book: common - epic

Give you a random skill

Hellstone: common

This material is perfect for making weapons and armour. But be careful because it will burn your bare hand.

"The skill book is fine but about the Hellstone? Maybe I can try to make a golem out of this thing." Yep, it'll be a golem, maybe not now, but in the future. Now let use this skill book and see what skill can I get.

[You received skill: barrier]

Barrier (uncommon): (active) 300mp/min, lv 1/10

Create a magic barrier in front of you and your allies, the barrier can block INT+WIS damage

"Not that useful for me but still acceptable." Now I have to get down of this stupid tower, only god knows how much annoyance I feel now, why did the alchemist build the tower with a ladder and not with stairs? Maybe he is just stupid.

Now I'm down the tower, what should I do now? "How much time left I got for my skill?"

[Time left: 2 hours]

"Tch, before that, 'status'."

Name: Cain

Race: Cursed Sentient weapon(Darkin)

Alignment: Neutral evil

Class: Scythe master (41/100)

Secondary Class: N/A

Level: 83

Durability: 16500/24500

MP: 2000/2000 MPR: 40/min

STR - 385

DUR - 110

DEX - 110

INT - 120

WIS - 120

Unused point: 120

Upgrade point (UP): 0|

credit: 13000

Scythe mastery (expert)

Increase scythe damage by 20% and swing 15% faster

"Maybe I should balance my stats more." Then I put 50 points to INT and WIS, the rest in DUR.

Durability: 18500/27500

MP: 3400/3400MPR: 320/min

STR - 385

DUR - 130

DEX - 110

INT - 170

WIS - 170

When I just stand up to continue my hunt, I realize something's wrong: "Oi, chaos god, When the hell I will get my secondary class?"

When you reach lv 100

"Isn't the requirement is too high? Normally it will be lv 50 for gamers like us."

{It's because I like hard mode}

"... I don't even know what to say anymore, let just get back with my hunting before time run out."


{2 hours later} (3rd POV)

"If I'm right, it should be 2 hours already," Cain said while he was sitting on a punch of decaying corpse, the scene looks pretty frightening for normal people but with Cain, it has become a normal scene already.

[Time's up, your temporary skill will be deleted]

[Dematerializing your body]

After returning to his Weapon form, he exits the ID and lay in the forest again. "Now what? Slowly teleport to Kuoh? That is the most effective way I could think of."

{Did you ever check the shop?}

"... guess I'm a dumbass now, 'shop'" Cain enter his spirit form and facepalm himself, he searches for a certain skill for a while. 'Here we go'

Telekinesis (common): (active) 100mp/min, lv 1/50

Let you control things in 10 meters radius and move them around. Maximum weight: 10 kilograms.

Price: 5000 credits

"It's just a common skill but it already cost a third of my current money, I wonder how expensive is an uncommon skill now." Cain thought to himself but quickly focus back on the new skill. "Let give this guy a try." Cain said as he 'tried to lift himself, keyword tried, "What? Am I that heavy?"

Your weight is approximately 20 kilograms, get used to that]

"Guess what, I'm gonna grind this shit until I can fly with extreme speed. Oh and by the way, how much time is left until Asia gets killed?"

You have 3 days and a half

"Alright, that should be more than enough." Then, Cain begins his 'training' to level up telekinesis.

{2 days later } (Cain POV)

"This it is, I finally arrive in Kuoh. What a pain in my ass." Right now I have to find the church where the fallen are located, wait, how can I even hide my presence from them? Wait a minute, who said I can't hide from them?

"Let get to the church first, wait, is that Issei and Asia out there?"

I tried to look at the couple, yep, it Issei and Asia 'dating' right now, should I mess with them a bit? "Let mess with them a little before the main party started." I use telekinesis to pick up nearby small rocks then throw them at Issei, now look at them, clearly clueless.

Telekinesis: (active) 300mp/min, lv 10/50

Let you control things in 50 meters radius and move them around. Maximum weight: 100 kilograms.

"I love this skill, maybe at 2nd place because materialize is still better." Now I'm finished messing around with them, now I need to find the church, we don't want our little Asia death do we?


{The moment Asia die}

"What a mess here, lucky for me, they are busy 'chatting'" I escape from the ID: zombie right on time. Now is the moment Issei holding Asia and crying an anime-style cry.

Asia Argento lv 15

HP: 10/200 HPR: 0/min (Soul damaged)

MP: 0/300 MPR: 30/min

Thought about you: none [she didn't know you exist]

I feel sad for her but still, her death is necessary for the story to continue, let get back to my business.

I enter my spirit form and get closer to Asia, in my spirit form, no one can see me - but I think the dragon can - so I manage to pass through the devils and fallen angels to get to suffering Asia.

I whisper to her: "Hello there little priestess or should I say, my new welder?" Yep, I plan to make Asia my first wielder - technically I'll become her second sacred gear - so I can join the storyline more, besides, I don't like my favourite character being a weakling. (He is a lolicon... capture him guys)

"I know that you want to be with your boyfriend, how about this, let make a deal, you can live happy with your friends but you will become my new wielder, is that ok?" Asia is already on the verge of death, if she can't do this, I will need to forcefully possess her body, which makes me feel guilty a lot.

"I... Accept." I ignore what Issei trying to ask her and use telekinesis to move closer to Asia's hand, enough for her to grab the grip. The moment she touches my body, a notification pop up as I smile "Let the chaos begin!"

Current wielder: none -> Asia Argento


A/N: Why not? why I shouldn't let Asia become the first wielder? She is the one who needs to get stronger the most.