I'm not a weapon but a weapon of culture

Hello again guys this is your Vietnamese author here, my arm feels pretty sore because I just have a vaccine, at least I'm safe from Covid now... right?

Whatever, here is the stories release sequence: the scythe of calamity, the tales of the cursed child in the multiverse, the omnipotent teacher.


(Cain POV)

So here is the situation: Kaguya has been revived by black Zetsu just like my expectation, the problem is that she is looking at me with her Byakugan very weirdly.

"You... don't have my charka inside you, your body isn't of a human, so tell me... what are you?" Oh, shit she noticed? I didn't think that Byakugan could find out my secret that easy.

Better act out! "Heh, I didn't think you will find my secret that fast lady, but that won't help you because your power won't affect me." I don't think acting like this will work but most of the things I said is true tho, I wanna take all-killing ash bones to test out my durability but taking a truth-seeking ball is already enough os I'm not going to risk it.

"I will see it myself, Amenominaka," And the space around us got replaced or rather she teleported me to an active volcano, did I mention that I'm going to fall into the lava at any moment?

*Lava noises*


Oh hey, bathing in lava isn't bad as I thought, having the phoenix flame made me invulnerable to lava and magma, maybe even fire too but I'm not sure what is the limit tho.

Hold up, what happens if I use a phoenix eruption inside an active volcano? Will I trigger an eruption and destroy a whole island like in real life?

Welp as someone has said: "All life is an experiment, the more experiments you make the better." — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I have to try it! I covered my body with phoenix flame then dive deeper into the volcano.


(3rd POV)

Black Zetsu is now hiding inside Kaguya's arm sleeve, it used its eyes to track Cain's charka or mana trace inside the lava but found nothing, "mother, I think he has been burned completely under the lava, I can't trace his signal anymore." Zetsu said with a grin on his face.

Kaguya looks at the boiling lava and is lost in her thought until both of them notice something is raising from the deep underground.



The boiling lava got pushed by an unknown force straight into the sky, making an anime-style scene where the main character destroyed a country without even trying. All of this crap was caused by Cain again, that guy has dived to the lowest point and used his skill, making the volcano erupt.

Kaguya has forcefully teleported all of them into a different dimension in time, evading the lava just in time. She also teleported Cain with her because he is inside the range of the Jutsu, the scythe got trapped in an iceberg because of an error.

Kaguya scanned through the area with her Byakugan and sensing technique to find Cain but didn't manage to catch a single trace of Charka. Cain as a sneaky bastard has used his stealth skill to phase through the ice.

'of course, she can't find me since I'm a weapon and Byakugan don't use to trace a weapon, a huge advantage I guess' Cain thought to himself then materialized and cancel his skill.

'Since I have promised that I won't use Blackhole in this fight then I will have to use some original Jutsu,' Cain start to create a cube made by Dust release and infuse the cube with Senjutsu chakra. Of course, doing such a huge Jutsu would attract Kaguya's attention.

"Yasogami Kūgeki" Kaguya send countless fists in the direction. "Sage art: Dust nova!" A white cube enveloped the whole area then exploded, deleting everything inside it.

"ID: escape" Cain appear again in the place he has destroyed, looking around and trying to find the mother of charka. "Damn it, I should have used a silent technique, but I'm not sure if I can surpass the Byakugan with my skill." Cain cursed

"So how can I track Kaguya now? I don't have dimension transport skills... Wait, does Rinnegan have dimension teleportation? Or is that Rinne-Sharingan's ability? Gah, I what should I do?" the weapon man sat on the snow and tried to figure out a solution for his problem.

I another dimension where everything is red, even the ground and sky are red, Kaguya is floating on the horizon with Black Zetsu hiding inside her sleeve, both of them are trying to look for Cain and prepare for another sneak attack... but unexpectedly, nothing happened for 30 minutes straight.

"... Mother, I think that man didn't get caught in your teleportation, he is stuck forever there now." Black Zetsu concluded after a long wait. "Then leave him be, no human will survive in that place for long. Let's go back, I still have unfinished business with."


(Cain POV)

Fuck... I know that inventing a dimension travel skill is hard but with all of my skills, why I can't combine some skills to create a dimension teleportation skill?

I'm bored, should I go back to the shinobi world? That is a good idea, especially considering the chance Kaguya might return there when she thinks that she had trapped me here forever.

I opened a portal that lead back to the battlefield and drop myself into it. The battlefield is still the same, I think the allied shinobi force has left the scene, maybe because they have suffered enough so they have decided to leave the place? Whatever, not my job to take care of them.

"So you have escaped that dimension... you are truly an extraordinary man, Cain." Is that Black Zetsu's voice? I slowly turn myself to look at the source of it and saw Kaguya, who still have an indifferent face and preparing to launch an all-killing ash bone into my face.


Not today, Satan! I'm not ready to become Gray.

"Togebari" eh? What do you mean by hair?

-1000 DUR

-1000 DUR

-1000 DUR

-1000 DUR


How can a strand of hair deal so much damage to my body? Even if it was enveloped in charka that is still a bit unreasonable. "But talking about using a body part as a weapon, take my newest technique: Sage's Haki!" Ah yes, Senjutsu chakra combined with Haki, this combination simply boost the power of Haki by 3 fold, which makes my STR stats multiple by 6, a huge improvement with a price of 30 times more MP needed to maintain Haki. This is what I called fair trade.

"Yasogami Kūgeki" That Jutsu again? No problems, as a Jojo fan I will proudly use my fist to fight against those fists!

"Secret technique: 7 pages (lines) of Muda."










Then I sent Kaguya into the ground, sadly there is no trash car here or else I would aim to that place instead.

Why I can even do that you asked? It's because I'm a man of culture, and as a man of culture I follow the teaching of the advocate of gender equality.


(3rd POV)

Cain looks at Kaguya who just get up from the impact and is glaring at him intensely.

"Um... I can explain why I punch you in the face so please don't do it?"

"Bōchō Gudōdama!"

"Uh oh, that Jutsu absorb chakra from anyone who is trapped inside Tsukuyomi and create a big-ass truth-seeking ball isn't it? Did I go that far and make her use that?"

"DIE!" Kaguya shouted and throw the big-ass truth-seeking ball right into Cain's face

The scythe doesn't have any intention to dodge the attack and decide to take it head-on with a smirk on his face "Unfortunately for you Kaguya, what you have seen isn't 10% of my actual power!"

"Withness my ultimate form!" Cain shouted as he does the Kars pose in front of the moon if he have long hair that would be perfect but he isn't so the pose has been wasted!

[Caculating all the boost]

Sage mode: +100%

Bankai: +300%

Moonlight mode (near midnight): +520% [increasing]

Total stats boost: 920%


Cain power level (false ultimate form, now): approximately levels 5740, might be equal to Goku SS3 in terms of strength and speed.

Cain (false ultimate form) + Blackhole: ~ Goku SSG

Cain + empowered perfect Blackhole (future): Tier 2A~1C, capable of deleting multiverse if he wants to

Cain + ??? (true ultimate form): near tier 0 but still can't reach it, yet.

Cain + ??? (spoiler): tier 0, he can already create a whole new multiverse for him to play, but still weaker than Chaos