Summoning some hero and villains (part 1)

(Cain POV)

Hello, guys and welcome back to my unboxing video, today I will open this magic safe I got from the church, it's an illegal act but I don't care since I'm the villain in this story.

Yeah... I'm practising to break the fourth wall, even though it's mostly me talking to myself... I feel like a weirdo.

Back to the main point, welcome back. Today I will give my daughter a gift to celebrate her... 10th day of birth I think? Yeah, let's go with that.

"Jackie comes over here, papa has a surprise for you," I called her out loud, even it's midnight in London right now but hey, no one would suspect a father calling his daughter... right?

Nah, it's not like anyone is here though, I have flicked- ahem I mean evacuated every single person in this city and replaced most of them with the humanoid homunculus.

Does that make me a serial murder? I think not, I simply throw all of them into ID: blank and some rich guy into ID: zombie. So that means I only kill those rich guys, right?

... it will be true if the Magus inside the blank ID didn't start a massacre to do some weird stuff like drawing mana or prana from a human's body or something like that.

Hmm, that is very unlikely but it's still possible, I remember there is a magus family all about taking other magus's magic circuits and adding to their, pretty OP power but they tend to die early.

Oops, getting off tracks again.

"Papa, what do you want to show me?" did I ever need to mention how dirty she is right now? She always returns home with a body covered with the victims' blood, while I do not have most of the common senses a human should have I still feel disturbed somehow.

But nahhh, as long as she is happy then who cares about those damn prostitutes? And I mean prostitutes only. I take out a normal gift box from my inventory and show it to Jack, she looks happy and accepts the gift.

looking from outside, the gift box is nothing but normal, warped by colour paper and a nice flower paper on top of it. All were hand-made by myself, I didn't remember that in my past life I could do so well with paper art.

She opens the box curiously with her knife... that isn't the correct way to open a gift but whatever.

"Papa, is this a grail? It's emitting a lot of magic." Jack asked curiously and wave the holy grail around. Yes, the ultimate wish-granting device is in the hand of a child and it's being used as a toy.

Thinking back about the challenges I have to go through to get the grail, I think it's worth it.


{Flashback} (3rd POV)

*BAM* "Hello gentleman and priest, if you are both then I don't care." Cain burst through the church's bounded field and the big gate at the same time, of course, his action attracted the attention of the whole place.

countless priests and magus rush out to defend the church but as you know, Cain isn't someone who enjoys talking and taking things very quickly, he covered the whole church area with his death aura, instantly killing every single person inside.

"crap, I forgot to say Muda before killing them, wasted a reference there." Cain just shrugged and enter the church.

As you have expected, the whole church is dead and Cain just walks toward the secret chamber where the lesser grail is kept at. The chamber's gate is protected by magic which is too weak for Cain to care about so he used his fist to knock the door away and grab the lesser grail.

so yeah, he just grab the grail and leave, there isn't any challenge at all.


{Present} (Cain POV)

Yeah, worth it. I even poured all of my mana into that lesser grail and filled it instantly. So that means now the grail can be used without some random heroic spirits fighting and killing others to fill it.

Now I know why no one tried to fill this greedy grail alone before, I used all of my MP plus some I have in my storage to successfully active this fricking lesser grail!

At first, I thought that by using the grail to grant me the third magic Heaven feels I will have infinite magic so creating another grail will be easy but noooo. I'm a fucking weapon so that means I can't get Heaven's feel since I'm not even a living thing!

Yeah, that suck. I will add it to one of my to-do lists when I become a human then.

So instead of using it on myself, I will use it to summon some friend for Jack then.

"So Jack, this is a device called the holy grail, or rather the lesser holy grail. It can be used to grant a wish to anyone as long as it's within its range. Too bad that this crappy grail can't give you a mother (yes it can) so I intended to give you some friends with it."

"Friends?" Jack asked cutely

"Yeah friends, some of them can be mean but overall they will be your friend. After this, we will have a pretty big party." As expected, now she got interested in it and asked me how to do it.

"Well, you should go take a bath first, I always told you to not spray blood over your body." I flicked her forehead and saw her pout before getting inside the bathroom.

What a troublesome child, can't blame her since I'm just as irresponsible as her.


(3rd POV)

After Jack finish her bath and come out with a clean body, Cain picked up the grain from the table and placed it in the middle of the magic circle he has drawn on the floor.

"Papa, what is this magic circle for?" Jack asked curiously

"well, it's a summoning circle I picked up inside the church, I have done some modification to it though so the outcome might not be as expected." Cain explained as he take out some items from his inventory and drop them into the magic circle.

The items he has thrown into the circle are a fucking sword, some blood tubes, an Excalibur, a prism and dragon scales, nothing out of order... I think.

"And those things are the catalyst that is necessary for the summon, I don't want to go in blind." Cain scratches his head as he has a look at himself, a not-so person who has done nothing but kill for a long time. "By the way, Jack, do you mind closing your eyes for a bit? It can get bright soon."

Jack obey and close her eyes, Cain nodded and then began his chant:

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation

Let Black the colour I pay tribute to

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

Cain stopped a bit at this point, he look at the grail and smirked. He silently cast one of his race's power onto the grail itself: "Corruption"

I hereby declare

Your body shall serve under me.

My body shall be your weapon

Submit to the beckoning of the corrupted Grail

Time, space, death, life doesn't matter anymore!

Let us see the end of this world

An oath shall be sworn here!

Let the world get consumed by your madness.

We shall see the world at its final moment!

From the Void, joined by the 3 worlds!

Come forth from the ring of restraints between the worlds.

Destroyer of the Fake Balance!

A pillar of darkness erupted from the holy - corrupted - grail that shot straight into the sky, making the beautiful night sky become dark as the void itself, fortunately, all civilians in the whole London has been evacuated by Cain earlier, if not then all of them should be dead right now because of the grail's uncontrollable madness.

As the dark sky starts to fade away and the moon's light shine again, 7 figures were revealed standing in front of Cain, 4 of them are male and 2 female, the last one can't be identified due to wearing heavy armour that covers their whole body.

"We have heard your call master, now let us bring destruction to this land."


"hey, why so quiet? It's not like I killed you guys... wait, I did I killed some of you." Cain jokingly said

"Shitara Tensei!"