Cain's bad play

*insert: một dòng tiếng Việt để không ai hiểu :D*

sorry guys for not updating on the right schedule as I have promised, the reason behind this is pretty 'sick'

So here is the short version of it: I'm now an F1 or F2 because some guy with Covid got into our apartment somehow and now the whole apartment needs to test Covid.

Hope I don't get Covid since it sucks, I rather die from Truck-kun.


(3rd POV) {Ritsuka's group}

"But... why would the demon god pillar... or anything like that choose London again? Not to mention that demon god pillars should be all dead nows, what is destroying the human's foundation Da Vinci-san?" Ritsuka asked

"Eto... I can't find the source of the problems now but you might want to find a safe place to summon servant Ritsuka-kun, I'm picking up multiple creatures moving toward your spot, it seems like the mastermind behind this has been looking toward your arrival for quite a long time." Caster Da Vinci warned and show a virtual map of London.

Ritsuka and Gudako take a glance at the map before their face paled at the number of red dots they are seeing. "Wait wait wait, we just arrive here and they already send an army at us?" The female master panicked.

"Well seem so, but you are lucky that no servant is coming to your place so Mash should be able to hold them off for a while. Take your time to get to the leyline and summon some servants" The two siblings and the eggplant wasted no time and start running.


The group turn their head to the source and was immediately greeted by an apocalyptic scene: zombies, a lot of zombies. And on top of that, those zombies are wearing amour and holding modern weapons such as guns and even rocket launchers.

(Sword and spear are useless, why don't we use a gun when we can, it's still useless against servants but killing humans isn't that bad.)


"Senpai, please find a place to hide!" Mash readied her shield blocked all the bullets and rockets fired at her, due to being a demi-servant, she doesn't have the body of a true servant so blocking bullets with her body could be a pretty dangerous thing to do.

"Hold in there Mash, I will create a terminal point, we are close to the leyline so it's should be possible." Well, if he got a chance, the two was interrupted by a loud voice coming from nowhere.

[Ahem, can I have your attention please everyone?] every zombie halted their action and also the Chaldea group

[This is Cain's speaking, uh... *Background noises* let's go straight to the point shall we? I'm the one who caused this mess, yeah, that includes messing with the world's foundation, killing or kidnapping all of London's residents and summoning servants. Before you question what is my... *Jack! What are you doing?!*]

"...Eh?" This left the two masters confused, at first, this Cain guy is telling them openly that he is the culprit and then the next part is supposed to be boasting about his idea or something?

[Ahem, sorry for the interruption, my daughter is a bit naughty so she messed up a bit. Let's go back to the discussion, shall we? where did I leftover -*static noises*]

"..." Now this left the Chaldea group are speechless, they expected a third rate or second rate villain guy to boast about his idea but what they are seeing just simply doesn't match what they have imagined at all.

[Damn it! I know I should have used a communication spell from the start, old London's speaker is really bad like how people describe it. Let's get back to where we left. So here is the problem, this damned world has some kind of safeguard making me unable to just destroy the whole city immediately with my Noble Phantasm, Fuck Alaya and Gaia for their damned safeguard!]

'Hey, aren't you suppose to say something about your idea? Why did you suddenly change the topic?'

[Wait... I got the wrong script, DAMN IT!]

"... that is the worst villain play I've ever seen," Gudako commented while her two companions just nodded in approval

Da Vinci: [I know that he is reading from a script the moment I heard it]

[*VISIBLE SIGH* well, I can't fix my mistake anymore so let me just continue. Since Alaya and Gaia, the two damn gods or something I don't care has placed a safeguard on the world making me can't just use my damn anti-world noble phantasm to just destroy the foundation of the world, I have decided to borrow your help!]

"What made you think we will help you to destroy our world?" Gudako asked out loud

[Well, the nice question comes from the embodiment of Chaos itself.]

"Eh?" The 'cute' and 'naive' Gudako side didn't understand what Cain said but Mash and Ritsuka know what Cain said clearly, they are one of her victims whenever she didn't manage to roll a good servant. But this raised more questions in their heart, how did Cain know about Gudako?

[As you can see, my zombie army alone could bring down the whole London city within a day or a week since I can just create some fricking tank to take those building down, pretty easy you knows? Destroying the City of London is already enough to wipe off humanity ya knows?]

[Then come the but. But Alayashiki the collective unconsciousness of mankind refused to let me do the stuff so I have to summon my servants for them to do stuff for me, you know? Like how a demon god pillar could just destroy the city by themself but still choose to summon a servant. Imagine me being that demon god pillar except I'm not a demon nor a human or servant.]

[So before you ask me any questions, I advise you to summon some servants quickly since I'll give you a minute break before sending my minigun boy to ya. Good luck, oh and Gacha is a bad civilization]

[... I think you should probably set up a terminal point now Ritsuka-kun, he is giving us a chance you know? Better take that chance before he starts to destroy the world's foundation] Da Vinci suggested

The group decide to retreat from the horde of zombies first before setting up the summoning, no one wants to stay together with a bunch of bloodthirsty zombies for too long.


{Literally 2 minutes later} (Cain side)

"And that one-minute break has ended, bring up the big gun boys! Oh and remember to get the BFG-10000, we will be destroying this whole continent so it will be necessary." Cain shouted through his communication spell while the servants sat behind him and seem to be bored.

"Oi brat, Just finish the work already, I can't see any good fighter there except for that shield girl, the two other is nothing but normal human but... I see something deep within that girl, it's like she is a Jinchuriki." Madara commented while playing some game Cain has created.

"Papa, can I have a BFG for myself? That gun seems so cool!" Jack is still Jack I guess, she is acting as a child should... at least for Cain's standard.

"Jack, you shouldn't follow what that scum do, come here and play with us." Konan picked up Jack place the girl and he laps and give her a gamer controller. "May I join?" Nagato and Itachi joined the fun.

"Give me back my sword Cain! Or at least give me a useable sword!" "Here catch." Cain casually throws Kusanagi for Kisame to use.

Well, looks like the villain's group isn't paying attention to what they have been trying to do at all, most of them now is just relaxing while waiting for Chaldea to attack first. Well, it's understandable, who would want to end without a fight?


Guys, I need you to decide Ritsuka and Gudako's, servants.

Please comment down here:

Saber: vote

Archer: Archer

Lancer: Lancer ga shinda!

Berserker: vote

Rider: vote

Caster: vote

Assassin: vote

Any extra class: prefer alter ego