Him Again?

Today is Felix's birthday. Andrea goes to a cake shop and chooses some cakes for him to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday.

For a few days, Felix has not communicated with Andrea. Only a message from Felix said that he had been accepted for a job, so he would rarely see Andrea.

"Excuse me, I want that cake," said Andrea, pointing to a white cake with a strawberry decoration on it.

"Just a moment, Sis," said the shopkeeper, taking the cake that Andrea meant.


A message entered Andrea's cell phone. Andrea immediately opened his cellphone.

"Oh, I forgot!" Andrea sighed.

It turned out to be a message from Felix's campus asking for Felix's tuition fees in arrears.

"This is Sis, the cake," said the shopkeeper to Andrea.

"Oh yeah, how much?" Andrea asked.

"One hundred and thirty thousand rupiahs," said the shopkeeper.

"Yeah, just a minute." Andrea took out her wallet and handed some money to the shopkeeper.

"Thank you, Sis," said the shopkeeper.

"Yeah," Andre said, her smile widening sweetly.

Andrea brought the box containing the cake and carried it. She would take her to Felix's house tonight after coming home from the salon where he worked.

Andrea walked casually to her salon, which was not far from the salon where she worked.

"Andrea!" called Silvy, one of Andrea's co-workers at the salon.

"Yes, what?" Andrea asked.

"Where have you been? A customer is looking for you," Silvy said frantically.

"Why are you panicking like that?" Andrea asked as she ran into the salon.

"He asked the salon to be closed and only wants to do the treatment if you handle it," said Silvy, who ran with Andrea.

Andrea was confused. So far, there are no such customers.

But suddenly his steps stopped when he saw who the customer in question was.

"Hi," said Kenand, who was sitting in the customer seat reading a magazine.

"You?" shouted Andrea.

Kenand pointed at the treatment chair in front of the mirror. Evans was already sitting there reading the paper waiting for Andrea to arrive.

"Gosh! What are you guys doing at my workplace?" shouted Andrea.

"You don't know who my boss is. If he has set a target, don't expect to be able to escape. Unless he releases him himself," Kenand explained.

"But this is where I work! My boss could fire me because of you!"

"Hey, you!" call Evans.

Andrea glanced at Evans scornfully. And then approached Evans. There was no salon employee except Andrea inside.

"Where are my comrades?" Andrea asked.

"Probably lunch," Evans replied casually.

"Get out of here. What else do you want?"

"I want to do my hair," Evans replied casually.

"You can get your hair done at another salon!"

"I love this place," Evans replied.

Andrea sighed at Evans' words. He placed the box containing the cake on the table in front of the mirror.

"You're a psychopath!" Andrea cursed.

"Um, that's how it is."

Kenand continued his program of reading magazines while Evans was still sitting elegantly in front of the mirror.

Annoyed, Andrea prepared equipment to serve Evans.

"What do you want me to do?" Andrea asked.

"That's up to you," Evans replied.

Andrea tried to be patient with Evans' answer.

"Strange sir, what do you want me to do to your hair?" Andrea asked in a soft voice.

"Umm, I'd like to thin the sides," Evans replied.

Annoyed, Andrea complied with Evans' request. This man pissed him off.

First, Andrea made Evans' hair moist with spray. Then prepare a small comb and scissors.

"It's your boyfriend's birthday today. That's why you bought a cake?" Evans tried to start a conversation.

"None of your business," said Andrea.

"You'd better not see him. That would be better for you," Evans said.

"Why do you like meddling in other people's business? Let me do whatever I want," Andrea squealed as she cut Evans' hair.

"Watch your hands! You could cut my head off!" Hardik Evans.

Andrea just pursed her lips as she finished her work on Evans.


Felix is ​​in a meeting with the mayor and some of his staff. Because he was a new employee, he only listened to what was discussed in the discussion.

"Felix," called the deputy mayor of Satrio.

"Yes, sir!" Felix replied.

"You told me once you knew some of the young societies. Could you meet the mayor with one of them?" asked Satrio.

"Ah, that... I can't say yes. They are my college friends and don't seem interested in government projects," Felix said.

Mayor Karlina observed Felix.

"You can't lobby them? If you can't, I'll hand over another team. Many residents have protested because the roads in the southern area have lots of potholes and are too narrow. The central government also continues to press for immediate repairs," said Karlina, the mayor.

"The problem is that the area does not belong to the government. Nor does it belong to ordinary citizens. We know that Kencana Group is the owner of the land in that area," said Satrio, the deputy mayor.

Felix seemed to think for a moment. The land around the southern area indeed belongs to the Rendy family.

But seeing how arrogant Rendy was, the possibility of lobbying him was impossible.

"If you can convince the landowner, it will be good for your career," said Satrio.

Several ranks also nodded. It's no secret that Felix entered the city hall not because he registered for employee selection. But there was someone behind him who helped him.

That's why the people at the town hall considered Felix's opinion for this project.

"What do I get if it works?" Felix asked.

"Show your performance first. Then you can ask for what you want. But remember, I don't take part if you use the back method. I want all the work systems you do to be transparent," said Karlina.

"Okay, I'll do it. But I asked for one month," said Felix.

"Okay," Karlina replied.


Felix was in the room drinking alcohol with a woman.

Felix kissed her passionately. The beautiful and sexy woman could only surrender in Felix's arms.

It didn't take long for Felix to remove all the cloth attached to the girl's body.

Felix enjoys a passionate night with a woman who is not his lover.

In front of his house, Andrea got out of the taxi and went straight to Felix's house.

"Why is it quiet? Where are his mother and sister?" Andrea muttered, who found Felix's house dark.

Andrea stepped casually into Felix's house. Unlocked this simple house so Andrea could quickly enter.

"Why didn't he turn on the light?" Andrea muttered as she looked for the switch button.

Andrea turned on the light in the living room, then opened the cake box she had prepared for Felix.

She took out the cake and waited in the living room. However, Andrea faintly heard the voice of a woman moaning.

"That's weird. Am I sleepy, huh? I think I heard a strange sound," Andrea muttered.

But as time went on, the sound became more precise and more transparent. Because Andrea was curious, he looked for where the voice came from.

However, Andrea hesitated because the voice was heading towards Felix's room. There's a woman in Felix's room?

Andrea then ventured to open Felix's room.
