Against Rendy

"Okay, let's go to the cafe downstairs," said Rendy as he got out of his apartment unit, but Evan held him back.

"I don't have time. Let's talk inside," Evans said.

"Emmh," Rendy looked confused because he didn't want anyone to know he was holding Andrea inside.

"Sorry, but there's a gas problem inside. I'm afraid you're uncomfortable," Rendy said with a scornful look at Evans.

"No problem, it's just the smell of gas. Not gunpowder." Evans flashed a forced smile.

"No, that's rude. I'll treat you to coffee downstairs."

"I don't mind if you have whiskey," Evans said.

Rendy glared at Evans. Why doesn't he want to follow Rendy's invitation to the cafe?

"Are you after something from me? Tell me, which party are you from? Or whose coalition are you?" said Rendy, looking suspiciously at Evans.

"I don't understand what you mean. I don't know anything about politics," Evans said.

"Do you want a business deal? Let's talk at the office!" said Randy.

"I just want to talk about car repair compensation. Why are you accusing me instead of..."

"...Are you used to being treated that way? Or are you used to treating other people that way? And why do you seem reluctant to let me in? Is there something you're hiding?" guessed Evans in a harsh tone.

Rendy didn't like Evans' question. But he didn't want to give in to this stranger in front of him.

"You draw too many conclusions. Well, go in. After all, you are not a poor person who is asking for donations like the others," said Rendy, who then opened the door for Evans.

Evans then entered Rendy's residence with a smile. His eyes began to search for where Andrea was. But he found nothing.

"No gas smell?" said Evans sarcastically Rendy.

"Sit down, I'll get you some whiskey," said Rendy, ignoring Evans' sarcasm.

Randy headed to the kitchen, and occasionally, he glanced towards his room. Andrea lay limp in the room. The chances of waking up are minimal. But he still had to be vigilant.

He then returned to the living room to meet Evans. Then put the whiskey and two empty glasses.

"Are you asking for compensation for the car? You don't want money, that's obvious. Then what?"

"Women," Evans said matter-of-factly.

Rendy chuckled at Evans' words. He then poured the alcoholic drink into the two glasses.

"You think I'm a realtor? I'm sure you know who I am. You can't ask me for something trivial like that," Rendy said and handed Evans a glass of whiskey.

"The woman you keep here," Evans said.

"What do you mean? I don't understand," said Rendy.

He was surprised when Evans found out what he had done to Andre. His eyes darted to and fro, a sign that he was nervous.

"I'm sure you know better," Evans added.

"Don't talk carelessly. I can sue you without trial!" Randy shouted.

Evans took a leisurely sip of his drink. As if not intimidated by Rendy's threat.

"Please," said Evans.

"You! Who are you?" Rendy widened his eyes when he heard Evans' answer, who was not intimidated by his threat.

"Me? I'm just an ordinary person. Not as powerful as you and your family," Evans said casually.

"Get out of here! I'll give you a car like that!" Rendy shouted in disapproval of Evans' words which were like an insult to him.

The whole country knows that the Rendy family is a significant conglomerate and has a hand in determining the power.

There is no group, party, or official that can avoid the strong influence of the Rendy family. But Evans thought it was just a little passing wind.

"Why? Is your pride hurt? Do I also have to submit to you like the people in the Patriot Building? (Patriot Building = parliament building for the people's representatives)

Rendy frowned. He didn't know this man. From which group? From which party?

"Tell me who you are? What do you want from me?"

"The woman you're hiding here," Evans said.

"How did you know? You investigated me?" Hardik Randy.

"From anywhere," Evans replied casually.

Randy took a deep breath. It looks like he met the wrong person. He shouldn't have served Evans.

"Okay, please go now. I don't have time to serve you," repeated Rendy.

Suddenly Evans threw the glass he used to drink past Rendy. The sound was so loud as it fell to the floor.

Rendy became furious because Evans made a mess in his house. However, not without purpose, Evans did it.

He deliberately made a sound so that Andrea could hear it. And sure enough, hearing the sound of glass breaking made Andrea wake up even though she looked weak.

"There are people?" Andrea muttered weakly.

Meanwhile, Rendy walked up to Evans and grabbed the collar of the man's manly clothes.

"Get out of my house. I don't care who you are. Whatever your position, whatever your position. But when you destroy what's mine, I won't stay silent!" Randy shouted.

Evans looked at Rendy, then smiled at him. He grabbed Randy's hand that was tugging at his collar. He pressed the hand hard.

"Aaah!" Rendy screamed because of the strength of Evans' hand.

"I also don't care who you are, whose child, your power over this country. I also don't care. But when you take my prey, I won't hesitate to kill you right now!" challenged Evans.

"You will be imprisoned!" Rendy shouted in pain because Evans was still pressing his hand.

"Do what you want. I don't think your grand father will help you if your business is just a woman," Evans said, feeling the upper hand.

Rendy realized this man was no ordinary man. No one in this country dared to treat him like this.

"Let go of that woman. Then I'll forgive you," Evans said.

"She's my woman! I've given up precious things just for her sake!" shouted Randy, who felt frustrated.

Could Andrea not ignore his obsession? But right now, he didn't have a choice.

Because there was no way there would be people who dared to fight him if not a strong person.

"Where is she?" said Evans, staring intently at Rendy. More and more furious.

"He-he's not here!"

"You want your dirty work to go public?"

Randy's eyes widened even more. Who is this man? He even knew what he had done.

"Let go of me first!" said Rendy, who was starting to get scared.

"Show me where she is?" Hardik Evans.

It turns out that Andrea heard the dispute between Evans and Rendy. He tried to get out with soft footsteps.

"Who?" he muttered.

She tried to look outside and found Rendy looking in pain because Evans gripped his hand so tightly.

"He?" Andrea muttered.

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